In Latin, clover is called Trifolium. And occasionally comes across in trifoliate species of clover leaf with four plates is considered a symbol of good luck. However,there are types of clover, which all the leaves are quadruple. Clover belongs to the family of legumes, its flowers are small, in the form of a round fluffy head of yellow, pink, white, red flowers.
Planting clover
Clover grows in a wild state wherever possible, from this we conclude that it is very unpretentious to care and tenacious. However, if you want a smooth and healthy clover carpet, it is better to choose the most suitable place and prepare it for planting.
Clover can grow in the shade and in the sun, but provided sufficient moisture, as it is very dependent on moisture. Likes slightly acidic and neutral soil, rich in fertilizers. Grows well after cereal predecessors. Deep plowing or digging, removal of weeds are required before planting.
Clover is propagated by seeds, which are sown to a depth of about 3 cm. Seeds are recommended to be collected from plants of the second year, they are more Mature and tenacious.
Care for clover
Care for clover will be reduced to loosening the soil, removing weeds, fertilizing fertilizers.
Watering for clover is extremely important. All species are dependent on irrigation and need it. Meadow clover is very sensitive to overflows, for him it is negative. Pink to overflow is normal, can grow on soils with close occurrence of groundwater. White is not as responsive to play as a meadow, but not as neutral as pink. But the underfilling adverse to all kinds of clover.
Now let’s deal with fertilizers:
1. Autumn under perekopku bring dung the ol bring it under cover winter crop). The introduction of organic fertilizers in the autumn, and not just before planting in the spring, has a positive effect on the crop.
2. Before planting, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the soil.
3. In the case of podzolic soils make more and boric fertilizers, spraying plants during the flowering period.
If you want to collect clover seeds, select a few large, browned heads, cleaned of excess husk, dried for a week in a dry warm place without direct sunlight, after which the seeds are put in a box for storage before planting.
Types and varieties of clover
There are about 300 species of clover.
Trifolium praténse
Trifolium repens
Perennial plant about 40 cm tall with a low creeping stem, leaves trifoliate, rounded shape. Grows on pastures and meadows in the wild, when planting in the garden or fields are often used in a mixture with different types of clover and wheat. Very hardy, endures all things: trampling, frost. The disadvantage of this species is the rapid growth and clogging of some plants in the flower garden.
Leaves can be three-and four-lobed, unusual color, with the middle of purple, bordered on the edges of green. Variety for the sun, otherwise in the shade of the leaves will become green and lose their decorative.
Leaves are brown-red, on the edge of a gentle green border. Gather together on 4 leaf. Has a tendency to fill all the surroundings of the flower bed or flower beds.
Good Luck
It has four leaves, can be green or a little purple in the center with a predominance of green to the edges.
Trifolium hybridum
Loves moisture, drought in the suffering. Since June, begins flowering and happy until September. The leaves in the Shamrock rose clover egg-shaped.
Trifolium rubens
Just do not even think that this beautiful plant is a clover. This species has a lush large Bush about 60 cm tall with elongated large crimson-red inflorescences and large three-lobed leaves. Is a perennial that blooms somewhere in the beginning of July. In nature, its reproduction occurs by seeds. Breeders and many gardeners like to multiply it by dividing the Bush, survival is weak. Blooms for a long time.
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