Each year, the flower beds and flower beds of my cottage decorate the bright flowers of decorative sunflower, my love for which began as a child. Grow such nice plants under the power of even a novice florist. But some subtleties of cultivation and care of decorative sunflowers nevertheless are, here about them I also will tell in this article.
Decorative sunflower differs from our familiar agricultural culture not only in the size of bright Sunny flowers, but also in the purpose, the main goal of which is to create a unique flavor of the rustic (country) style in the garden.
By the way, the first sunflower seeds were imported from Mexico in 1510 by the participants of the fourth expedition of Christopher Columbus. Once in Europe, sunflower became a favorite of all, causing genuine interest and admiration. For centuries about him composed of songs and poems, and its image is depicted in the paintings of famous artists. So, it is a decorative sunflower is depicted on the famous series of paintings by Vincent van Gogh “Sunflowers”.
Thanks to the continuous work of breeders armed with modern methods of biotechnology and genetics, more than 150 new varieties and hybrids of decorative sunflower were created. Every year new products appear on the market, each of which is a new word in the breeding of the species. Already derived:
- touching miniature sunflowers, capable of holding several flowers on one stalk at the same time;
- adorable plush sunflower with a dense orange-brown heartwood;
- the sunflowers look like marigolds;
- and a lot of decorative varieties with extraordinary color – from cream to peach-pink.
Cultivation of decorative sunflower
Today sunflowers are grown all over the world: in Europe and Japan, North America, South Africa and Austria. By the way, in Austria, near Vienna, not so long ago opened the “Sunflower Park”, where visitors can see more than forty species of wild fellows, hundreds of modern oilseed varieties, as well as almost all existing ornamental sunflower varieties.
Popularity of decorative sunflowers is caused not only by simplicity of their cultivation, but also variety of grades. Depending on taste preferences, you can settle into your flower garden dwarf (30 cm) or giant (up to 5 m), single-stemmed or branched, small or large (5 to 20 cm) class.
With the help of these bright Sunny flowers, you can decorate unsightly buildings, compost heaps, old fences, and so on.
Sowing of decorative sunflower
Decorative sunflowers should be sown in open Sunny areas protected from the wind, with well-drained soil.
Propagation of ornamental annual sunflowers seeds, which before planting you need for a day to soak in the fabric, previously well soaked in extract of wood ash (1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash is dissolved in 500 g of warm water). Sowing can be done from the beginning of may and throughout the summer period, then you get a flower bed of sunflower continuous flowering.
Seed sowing depth should not exceed 3 cm, and the optimal distance between plants is 30-70 cm from each other — depending on the variety.
All perennial sunflower species are easily propagated by dividing the Bush, which can be produced every two years, late autumn or early spring.
Care of decorative sunflower
Decorative sunflowers are universal plants that do not need special care. Providing regular watering, you will be able to maximize flowering period. Watering must be done profusely, but try to avoid water stagnation in the soil around the stems, otherwise you risk to destroy the plant.
In addition to watering decorative sunflowers experienced gardeners recommend to loosen the ground around the plants and remove all weeds. Pruning faded blossoms stimulates the formation of new ones.
It is not necessary to fertilize ornamental sunflowers: if the soil is fertile, they will grow so well, delighting you with their amazing flowers. If you are growing them in bad soil, at the beginning of the vegetative period, the sunflowers should be fertilized with any organic fertilizer.
Pests of ornamental sunflower
Among the many pests of sunflower especially dangerous for the plant are considered: Homoeosoma nebulella-its caterpillars damage the achenes, as well as Agapanthia dahli and Mordellistena parvula, which completely eat the core of the plant stem.
Also, one of the most malicious enemies of sunflower is Orobanche, flower annual plant, which “settles” on the roots of the sunflower and leads to the death of the plant.
Types and varieties of decorative sunflower
Most species of sunflowers are annuals, but among them are perennials, the best known of which is Helianthus tuberosus.
Helianthus tuberosus
The name of the species is directly related to the fact that the roots of this sunflower seed tubers are formed that possess excellent medicinal properties.
In height this plant can reach up to 3 m, the stem has a few leaves, baskets of Golden-yellow flowers quite small — from 2 to 6 cm.
Helianthus decapetalus
Also quite common perennial species, reaching a height of 1.5 m. The leaves are painted in dark green color, inflorescence plants can be both Terry and simple, Golden or lemon-yellow.
Teddy Bear sunflowers
Perhaps one of the most well-known varieties of ornamental annual sunflowers, which is characterized by very large (up to 22 cm in diameter) Terry bright yellow flowers resembling a plush toy.
Plant height does not exceed 1 m, and flowering occurs in mid-summer, lasts until autumn.
Vanilla Ice
The inflorescence is simple, with pale yellow petals and dark center.
Moulin Rouge
The flower is painted in rich Carmine-red color, petals to the edges lighter, to the core-darker.
One of the tallest sunflowers, reaching a height of 5 m! Very thick stems and large leaves.
ProCut Red Lemon BiColor
Beautiful dichroic sunflower: one half of petal is painted in a light yellow color, the other in dark red.
The core of the flower is brown-black or yellow.
There are many beautiful varieties of decorative sunflower, so if you want to grow such a positive miracle in your garden, you can easily find one that will appeal to you.
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