- What is hugge?;
- Highlights of hugge;
- Creating home comfort;
- Communication with family and friends;
- Care offline;
- Ability to stop;
- Enjoying the current moment;
- Sense of proportion;
- No disputes;
- Sense of harmony;
- Equality and proximity to those with whom you live;
- Small pleasure;
- Lack of demonstration of the status and a challenge to society;
- How to dress in the style of “hugge”;
- How to design the interior in the style of “hugge”;
- The food in the style of “hugge”;
Happiness is a very broad term. For everyone it is their own: someone is inspired by the success at work and career growth, someone-financial well – being, but most still associate happiness with family comfort and home-fortress in all respects. In this direction of thought and the Danes. No wonder it is in Denmark opened the Institute of happiness, and the Danes are recognized as the most good-natured people. Maybe the reason is, Hugge?
What is hugge?
This word has no unambiguous translation. It can be selected only synonyms: “comfort”, “serenity”, “calm”, “security”. When and what was the famous “hugge”, is not known. There are several versions: from the ancient “hugga” — to calm, from “hugr” — mood, or from “hugge” — to hug. If you think about it, all these words convey the essence of modern hugge. Today, in addition to the “hugge”, there are many words “from the same Opera”. They will be unclear to us without a thorough translation and explanation, but the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries will easily understand their meaning. For example:
- “hjemmehygge” — the feeling that one experiences upon returning to the parental home or house built with your own hands;
- “hyggelig” – familiar, pleasant (in relation to neighbors, friends or objects that always cause positive emotions);
- “julehygge” — Christmas, hugge;
- “hygge sig” – comfortable to spend time.
In General, it turns out that hugge is “coziness”.
Hugge is coziness
This is a certain philosophy, the purpose of which is to achieve simple human happiness. Clothing, behavior, socializing with friends, interior and even the food – everything that surrounds us every day and brings comfort can be a bit of hugge.
Highlights of hugge
Given the fact that hugge is not an interior style and not even a way of life, but still a philosophy, it is not enough to just understand and borrow individual elements. Fail to reproduce, hugge who put on any specific Wallpaper or textile by adding a certain texture. Hugge need to feel whole, then doubt how to make it in life, will not. Each has its own version and a set of items or actions associated with serenity. But there are several main directions that you need to focus on.
Creating home comfort
Hugge is possible at work and on the street. But the Danes have always paid special attention to the home space. They themselves explain this fact by climatic conditions. Residents of warm countries are less attached to the house because of favorable weather conditions, their energy is directed to the outside world. And in Denmark, the situation is the opposite-everyone seeks to create a comfortable and uplifting atmosphere at home. According to hugge, the house should be so cozy that a person can fully relax and feel protected. This rule could not affect the interior of houses and apartments. We will discuss this separately. In the meantime, let’s see what other components are in the “recipe for happiness”.
Communication with family and friends
Unfortunately, the rapid pace of modern life does not allow you to communicate with loved ones as often and for a long time as we would like. Phone calls, text messages, Skype and more – do not count.
Communication with family and friends
Hugge implies a completely different “live” communication: invite friends to visit, go with parents in a cafe, go on a picnic, fishing, to the Park, visit the attractions with children. A joint trip to the country – other than hugge?!
Care offline
Care offline, of course, not forever. It’s impossible and unnecessary. Try after work or on a day off for a while to remove away the phone, tablet, laptop or computer, the TV is also sent to rest. Instead of using gadgets, you can draw, read, knit, do modeling or origami, composing compositions of dried flowers – any business that you are interested and that you can do with your own hands. And you can just cook something tasty. This pastime will help to focus and understand their own thoughts.
Ability to stop
Whatever you do, it is important to be able to take a break. Even the most interesting work, according to the Danes, can and should be interrupted on some time. This break is similar to the famous Spanish Siesta. Only the Danes spend it a little differently: for a leisurely conversation and a Cup of cocoa.
Enjoying the current moment
The Danes urge not to live in the past, not to worry about the future, and for the present too. In any life situation, you can find the positive side, if you think about it and find them.
Sense of proportion
Hugge is, of course, a life of pleasure. But everything should be in moderation. If hugge your understanding will not work without an ice cream or coffee with cakes, you don’t need to absorb them one by one. After all, everything becomes boring with time. After 10 cakes not what will be lost a sense of celebration, and revulsion will come. Therefore, the Danes allocate some time to savor what they like. For example, a day off.
No disputes
Hugge is peace. Alone it is difficult to have a conflict, and if the invited friends? The dispute can arise because of anything: different political views, favorite football teams, the desire to prove something to someone, etc. – there are many options. Such a situation is better to warn. Just tell your friends that tonight is an evening of common themes, all the controversial points will leave the threshold.
A pleasant evening in the company of friends
The “remember how we…”stories are perfect. Surely in the company of good friends they are no less than the reasons for disagreement.
Sense of harmony
This is internal harmony, and harmony with the world around.
Equality and proximity to those with whom you live
Instead of “I” say “We” more often. No need to count, who does more, more often it is cleaned, taking out the trash or walking the dog. Household chores it is better to divide, again, by conversation and joint decision making. Every member of the family has the right to speak.
Small pleasure
Pleasant little things will help to keep a good mood. But, again, the main thing is not to overdo it. As such incentives Danes often choose sweets or delicious hot “cozy” drinks: coffee, cocoa with milk or fragrant tea.
Lack of demonstration of the status and a challenge to society
Hugge does not allow “showing off”. This applies primarily to clothing and interior items. Neither in appearance nor in the decoration of the house there will be no things–signals screaming about the welfare of the owner. Even the most expensive furniture without a cozy blanket or tablecloth is not hugge.
“A Cup of tea, hugge more than a glass of champagne, table games than in the computer, in cooked food than store bought. Perhaps, hugge profitable for market capitalism, but good for personal happiness” — as rightly noted by Michael Viking in his book “the Little book of hugge: the secret to Danish happiness.”
How to dress in the style of “hugge”
Once there was the phenomenon of hugge, once a suitable style of dress. It is perfect in some of its modifications for the city, in others – for gatherings with friends in the country. All things should be soft, comfortable, pleasant to the touch fabrics. Shades can be different, but, as a rule, they are not bright and non-appealing, without sequins, rhinestones and other things.
How to dress in the style of hugge
The main thing-the thing should bring a sense of comfort and convenience. For example, a favorite, maybe a little elongated sweater, which is so nice to sit in the country in a chair with a Cup of herbal tea. Thus, huggie-style clothing is the bulk sweaters, cardigans, shirts, t-shirts, jeans, coat, warm fluffy socks – in General, all well-known to us things.
How to design the interior in the style of “hugge”
With the interior things are the same as with clothes. At first a phenomenon and then wish to equip your home according to the theory of hugge. “If you have a list of things to bring into the house, hugge, it won’t work, says George.T. Lynette — – you can’t just buy hugge as a software package. It takes time.” To your apartment or country house became an oasis of reliability and peace, you need to listen first of all to your feelings.
The interior in the style of hugge
As a benchmark will lead some of the rules of registration of hugge-interior:
- The interior of hugge implies “hyggekrog” — a cozy corner. This is the place where you can” disconnect ” from everyday problems and relax with a book or just think.
- Proper lighting. Danes love candles and all kinds of lamps.
- The presence of a fireplace. The fireplace embodies the peace and warmth of the hearth. Nothing like a nice, crackling firewood and the flicker of the fire.
- The use of natural materials. The furniture is mainly wooden, the dishes are ceramic. The decor uses natural materials: leaves, dried flowers and plants, cones, branches, berries and more.
- Plenty of blankets and pillows. These items should be a lot. It is desirable that the plaids were made of natural fabrics, volume, knitted (coarse-knit), pleasant to the touch. Very often blankets and pillows are decorated not only chairs, but also wide window sills.
- Books. They should be many and different. So you can choose any mood.
- From furniture preference is given to soft sofas, armchairs and rocking chairs.
- Window sills are decorated with potted plants.
The fireplace embodies the peace and warmth of the hearth.
The food in the style of “hugge”
During the hugge-gatherings with friends Danes served on the table meat dishes (mostly pork), pastries, sweets, jam, coffee, hot chocolate, strong tea or mulled wine. The food should be tasty, home-made and simple. The most important thing is to eat slowly, savor the food. Food in this case-a way to have fun, not to eliminate hunger.
Food style hugge
Here is a simple Danish happiness, each manifested in its own way. Michael Viking to the question of what, hugge for him, replied: “Cocoa by candlelight”! And how would you answer such a question? What will be your personal hugge?
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