Most people have a tendency to self-manufacture something. Don’t believe? And you try to type in the search engine the phrase”how to do something with your own hands.” Why not direct your forces and creative abilities in the right direction? For example, repaint the old wardrobe.
Update or redo old furniture with paint is easy, and options how to do it, a lot. I’ve put together some decorating ideas for inspiration, and let’s start with the simplest.
All colors of the rainbow
When thinking about decorating and adding color to the interior, usually focus on the walls, leaving the furniture as it was bought in the store. But it happens that the old situation begins to seem boring or initially in the furniture is not enough zest, especially if it is a mass production item. Just change the color of the Cabinet, chair or chest of drawers is enough to get a completely new and original thing.
And depending on the color you choose, the impression changes. Concise graphics, black and white, the sensuality of red, the cheerful orange, respectability, blue was the colour creates the atmosphere and mood.
As you know, there are only three main colors: red, green and blue (although different color theorists have a different approach to this issue). But the shades… Scientists believe that the so-called “color space” of a person includes about 7 million different color valences.
The eyes of the ordinary observer discerns about 150 shades of a trained professional — to 15,000. So advice: when choosing paint, do not refuse the services of a professional tinting. It is inexpensive, and the result is incomparably better than mixing their own white paint and colored pigment.
Look at the tinting fan of any paint manufacturer: whatever color you take, it has dozens of shades in the base colors. The machine, mixing the paint, uses several pigments, so the color is deep and voluminous.
In addition, if you have incorrectly calculated the amount of paint, you will never “get into the color” by mixing a new portion. With computer tinting you just need not to lose the lid of the jar, which is written on the number of your chosen shade.
If you can not decide what color or shade you like more, buy a few different. Similar in shape, but differently colored items will make a great ensemble: who said that the chairs in the dining room should be all as one?
From a simple change of color will move into more complicated options. For example, a stencil drawing. Do not think that the stencil is for those who do not know how to draw on their own. Screen painting is a separate type of decoration.
The stencil can be made of paper or other material. And if earlier the drawing received on a stencil, had peculiar features (the simplified stylized look and jumpers which held the cut-out parts), today, using a film on a sticky basis (self-adhesive), it is possible to receive drawing of any complexity and with small detailing. And the jumper is not needed.
The process of creating the drawing itself has also been simplified — now the stencil can be made from any vector image. And not only with the help of a model knife: they are made using laser or plotter cutting.
The simplest stencil, however, allows you to create spectacular patterns, can be strips of masking tape, pasted in any rhythm or chaotic. And for those who do not want to bother with the creation of their own drawing, the stores have ready.
Drawing on a stencil can be one — color or multi-layer-then several stencils are made, according to the number of colors in the drawing. The print is applied layer by layer after the previous layer has dried.
As a stencil, you can use a fabric with a slotted pattern, for example, tulle or lace. And also apply not only ordinary paint, but also compositions with a thick consistency, for example, putty or texture paint: so the picture will be three-dimensional.
In the subsequent coloring of such relief apply translucent (translucent) colors — blue or glaze, creating the effect unspoilt surface. An interesting decorative effect will turn out in the case, if used in the stencil drawing paint of the same color, but matte and glossy.
Another option decor — stamps. In fact, the stamp is a negative twin of the stencil. On sale there are ready-made, transmitting pattern textures (eg, wood), or imprinting element of the ornament. Stamp can be single (contain one element of the picture) or rapport (to create a repeating pattern, as on the Wallpaper). Raporty stamp is a roller with a pattern.
It is possible to make a stamp and independently, having cut out the pleasant drawing on a piece of porous rubber, linoleum, extruded polystyrene foam, wine stopper, even on an ordinary potato. And Yes, a stamp with an individual pattern can be ordered in the same place where companies and institutions order their seals.
To obtain prints, you can not cut anything at all, choosing a suitable object as a signet: a patterned sheet with thick veins, an interesting form of pepper, a cut base of Beijing cabbage, a fabric with a large texture, a tangle of threads — everything that comes to hand, has an interesting texture and will inspire creativity.
An interesting texture pattern can be obtained by stamping the surface with a crumpled piece of fabric, paper or polyethylene, natural or foam sponge with large pores. The impression will depend on the stiffness of the selected material.
As always, in the shops of the construction materials or for artists there are ready-made stamps for this technique: rollers with crumpled “skin.” By the way, if you arbitrarily wind on a conventional foam or velour roller cord or masking tape, you get a tool for applying texture in the technique of stamp.
For those who can draw, there is another type of furniture decoration — painting.
Painting do in the ornamental style, as well as the surface you can decorate the whole picture. Draw monochrome and full color-it all depends on your idea. For those who do not know how to draw, but the chest of drawers with a picture really wants, too, there is a way: try your hand at decoupage.
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