Petunia pendula
This is a garden group that combines varieties and hybrids with flexible, long (from 50 to 150 cm), rapidly growing shoots. Usually they are characterized by increased resistance to adverse conditions and abundant, long flowering, but strong wind or rain often damages the thin lashes. They quickly restored, but the decorative plants at the same time suffers, so it is recommended to place Petunia pendula so as to protect them from the vagaries of the weather.
Shoots Petunia pendula, growing in hanging pots, as a rule, hang down-these plants are suitable for vertical gardening, growing in balcony boxes, etc.But you can use them for planting in the ground, if you give them a sufficient area, which will very quickly take growing lashes, forming a smart blooming “carpet”.
Petunia fimbriata
Usually petunias have smooth petal edges, but there are hybrids in which the edge of the petal has a bizarre shape.
Wavy, corrugated, cut edges make the flower unusual, though a little “disheveled”. Such plants belong to the group Petunia fimbriata.
Petunia x hybrid
In nature, there are more than 20 species of wild petunias. Well, we tend to deal with the results of breeding — Petunia x hybrida, obtained by crossing different species of this thermophilic culture. In the classification of petunias (which scientists still argue) it is considered to be an independent species.
And this is not Petunia, and her next of kin. Outwardly, they are very similar, but there are differences.
Calibrachoa have thin, long drooping shoots, like Petunia pendula. But unlike petunias, calibrachoa stem branches well and quickly lignified at the base, and its length can reach 1.5-2 m Leaves and flowers smaller than petunias, flower edges are smooth.
The plant is grown in the same way as Petunia — the requirements for the conditions are similar. But the methods of reproduction are different: if petunias are more often grown from seeds, although cuttings are also used, then calibrachoa is propagated mainly by cuttings.
Cascade petunias
Very similar to Petunia pendula, they are often even combined in one group. However, between them there are differences that should be considered when choosing a place to place plants in the garden.
Shoots cascade Petunia shorter than Petunia pendula; in addition, they are not as thin and flexible. Young cascade petunias grow upwards, and only as the lashes lengthen, they droop under their own weight — but still tend upwards.
Cascade petunias are great for hanging pots, balcony boxes and pots.
Bush petunias
Bush petunias have erect shoots. Plants can be a low, compact (shoots with a length of 25-30 cm), or tall, spreading (with shoots with a length of 50-75 cm).
Bush varieties and hybrids usually do not require formation, but they are recommended to pinch to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots and get thicker, neat plants. Most shrub petunias tolerate rain and wind.
Terry petunias
Ordinary petunias have a simple Corolla with five fused petals. Through the efforts of breeders hybrids were created, the flowers of which have many petals. Petals Terry Petunia often corrugated, which further enhances the effect.
Terry petunias are very elegant, they look great in pots and flower beds, but it should be borne in mind that they are, for the most part, quite unstable to adverse factors: lush flowers are easily damaged by rain or strong wind, and the plant becomes untidy. In damp cool summer flowers can rot from excess moisture.
Under this title unites a series of small-flowered Petunia pendula, resistant to adverse weather conditions are greatly suffering from wind and rain.
Length shoots at minitune from 80 to 100 cm, flower diameter — 3-5 cm, profuse flowering.
Petunia Grandiflora
Their distinctive feature-large (8-13 cm in diameter) simple or double flowers with a smooth or wavy, corrugated edge of the petals.
The plant is usually bushy, but many varieties and hybrids of Petunia Grandiflora are quite capricious: they have increased requirements for heat and are often unstable to adverse factors. Therefore, it is better to grow them in containers, and when planting in the ground to choose the most comfortable, protected place.
There is another feature of the plants of this group: the number of flowers on the plant is relatively small — if you want a lush, abundantly flowering Bush, you may want to give preference to varieties and hybrids from other groups.
Petunia Milliflora
The flowers are small — from 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter — but a lot of them. Abundant flowering and resistance to adverse conditions — the main advantages of plants in this group.
Petunia Milliflora form a compact shrub and are used for planting in flower beds, curbs, small pots and boxes.
Petunia Multiflora
Petunia Multiflora — many-flowered Petunia is. As it becomes clear from the name, the group includes varieties and hybrids with abundant flowering. Plants Bush, flowers simple or double, 4-5 cm in diameter.
Plants of this group are considered unpretentious; as a rule, they bloom early, bloom long, recover quickly after rains. They are used as flower beds and for container plantings.
Petunia Picotee
Initially, a series of Picotee F1, bred by American breeders, included several hybrids of different colors with the original white border on the wavy petals of large flowers.
Now the word “Picotee” often means not a specific series, but a sign — the very white border on the edge.
Petunia Floribunda
Under this name the group of plentiful petunias is known. Some believe that Petunia Petunia Floribunda is the same as Petunia Petunia Multiflora, and use these names as synonyms. Others believe that they are different groups with differences from each other.
Supporters of the second point of view refers to the group floribunda Petunia with simple or double flowers with a diameter of 6-10 cm and abundant, long flowering. With the latter, they are related and good resistance to adverse effects.
Petunia Floribunda is recommended for large flower beds, where they look the most advantageous.
Petunia superbissima
Petunia superbissima is a cascade-type plant with large flowers (up to 16 cm in diameter), having a wide throat and very strongly corrugated petals.
The colors of these petunias are very diverse, but they are extremely effective and are used, as a rule, for front flower beds (including container).
Supertunia-a series of varieties Petunia pendula, created by the Japanese company “Sakata”.
Flower growers should be aware that Petunia — heterotic hybrids, and because they are propagated vegetatively (cuttings). Seeds they either do not form at all, or form very little; seed reproduction parental signs are not inherited. That is, to keep a favorite plant, collecting seeds from it, will not succeed.
Frillytunia called large-Petunia (flowers about 10 cm in diameter) with highly corrugated petals.
Frillytunia require careful care: for good flowering they need a stable soil moisture (they respond painfully to drought) and timely feeding. Recommended for planting in places protected from wind and rain (on loggias, verandas, covered terraces, etc.).
A few words about classification
Scientists and growers still have not come to a consensus on how to classify petunias. They are combined on different grounds, and in the description of a particular plant can be found several characteristics.
I mean, Petunia could be both, for example, and grandiflora, and Terry. Various combinations of features and a rich palette of colors and create an extraordinary variety of these wonderful colors.
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