Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

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That’s what a garden looks like when it is inhabited by many green leafy “tenants”. But here on the General background effectively allocated huge sheets of colorful.

The small flowers of this ornamental herbaceous perennial gathered in large paniculate inflorescences. However, gardeners plant attracts not flowers but rather its large beautiful leaves, ruggedness and desire to always be in the shade.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

Homeland of rogersia-mountainous areas of Asia, where it grows along the banks of rivers and lakes. But this does not mean that the spreading herbaceous perennial does not take root in your gardens. Put him in the shade, and rodgersia soon will give you big beautiful leaves. This plant is undemanding to “living conditions”, with good care it feels good on all soils, except in light and dry. But in order that Bush had grown into a beautiful and sprawling, and later brought flowers to plant in rodgersii in nutrient-rich soil sealed from the wind parts.

The effect of the foliage

Different types of colorful differ from each other by shape, color and structure of leaves.

1. The Rodgersia butenolides (Rodgersia sambucifolia) they are palmately lobed, resembling the leaves of elderberry. Hence the name of the species.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

2. Rodgersia Cirrus (Rodgersia pinnata) is different from other types of more elongated leaves.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

3. Rodgersia chestnut (Rodgersia aesculofolia) lives up to its name, as its leaves resemble horse chestnut.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

4. Rodgersia podophylla is most different from other species: its leaves are serrated on the edge, and at the ends as if cut.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

5. The Rodgersia of Nepal (Rodgersia nepalensis) leaves at the petiole “planted” at a great distance from each other.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

Colorful flowers too look very pretty and have a pleasant aroma. In mid-summer, white or pink-red fluffy paniculate inflorescences on long peduncles gracefully swaying in the wind. Blooms rodgersia usually 20-30 days.

The most popular types are Rodgersia chestnut (Rodgersia aesculifolia), Rodgersia henricii and Rodgersia Cirrus (Rodgersia pinnata).

  1. Bush height of Rodgersia chestnut — 80-100 cm, its flower stalks with white or slightly pinkish flowers reach 1.2 m. the Young leaves are green, with noticeable bronze tint, shaped like a chestnut leaf.
  2. Rodgersia henricii slightly lower in summer leaves, the bright green of all sorts of Rodgersia. Shade of inflorescences – from cream to pale pink, depending on the composition of the soil and weather. This Rodgersia proved to be the most nicely.
  3. Rodgersia Cirrus with a maximum height of 60 cm Leaves its structure is similar to the Rowan leaves, flowers creamy white or pinkish tinge.

These, and other, less known types of colorful can be used in both single and group plantings. Only in that and in another case for the plant you need to immediately take more space, because it grows strongly. Another rodgersia resistant to diseases and pests, and therefore will not give you much trouble. Damage to this plant can only be too intense sunlight, drought or spring frosts return.

1. Left: Rodgersia Cirrus variety ‘Die Stolze’ with beautiful coral-pink flowers blooms from mid-June to July. Bush up to 120cm in height. This variety is considered sun-resistant. Right: the Variety ‘Cherry Blush’ has large textured leaves that in the spring and fall becomes bronze. Blossoms — pink. This variety is considered to be the most sun-resistant.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

2. Young leaves Rodgersia podophylla ‘Rotlaub’ attract color ,in the “young” age having a reddish hue, later the leaves turn green. Creamy white inflorescences appear in may-June. The plant reaches 110 cm.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

3. Varieties ‘Rothaut’ of Rodgersia sambucifolia have a dark red stems, beautiful leaves and showy light pink flowers that bloom in early June and stay until July. Grows to 140 cm.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

Play of colors: the reddish leaves of Rodgersia podophylla (Rodgersia podophylla) the class ‘Rotlaub’ in perfect harmony with hydrangea, ornamental onions and Heuchera.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

The nice colorful side by side with botulinium, delphiniums, day lilies, saxifrage, astilbe. Our heroine can also be a wonderful decoration of the shores of water bodies, especially in combination with plants, contrasting in structure and texture of the sheet, such as ostrich, sedge.

Preparation for winter

To snowless winters have rogersi damaged kidney regeneration, in the autumn, after harvesting the leaves, the plant should be sprinkled with a thin layer of compost or fallen foliage in the woods. Less susceptible to frost varieties which grow later, for example ‘Die Schone’, ‘Die Stolze’, ‘Die Anmutige’, ‘Spitzentanzerin’ or ‘White Feathers’. Harm can be and the return spring frosts, which damage the leaves of the plant and the beginnings of buds. To avoid this, in the spring before cooling the bushes need to cover, for example, non-woven material.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

Meet the relatives!

Decorative leafs of stone-breaking families also include such plants as darmera peltata and Astilboides tabularis. The first reaches 1 metre in height, and its peduncles — 50 centimeters, prefers wet areas and grows perfectly right at the edge of the pond. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

Astilboides plate openwork leaves, serrated at the edges. In height this plant reaches 1 meter and grows well in partial shade, in moist, nutrient-rich soil. White blossoms, as well as darmera thyroid, towering above large leaves.

Shy Rodgersia. Types and Varieties.

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jacqueline emery
jacqueline emery

Where can I buy ‘Rothaut’ in the USA? Is there another name? Thank you!