One day it rained, so the gardening work had to be postponed, although in the evening the wind dispersed the clouds and the weather improved. So we went for a walk around the neighborhood in search of inspiration.
The first thing that occurred to me was to look at the mosses. The theme is not accidental: in the garden, which we decided to arrange for our fairies, a dense green “mat”is covered. This is a sign of not only moist, but also acidic soils, suitable only for a very small number of garden plants. Of course, you can remove the moss and do liming — or you can try to use what has already been created by nature. Moreover, we are talking about a remote shady corner of the garden, where the spirit of the forest already seems to be in the air.
And since we are clearing the areas created from mosses and stones for the forest fairies, we went to look at the nature of the relevant materials, ideas and tips.
Who would have thought that this beauty, similar to the moss-covered stone projections in the first picture,is just a shapeless block of concrete mixed with old bricks: probably a fragment of some building…
I went around with my camera, taking probably more than a dozen pictures — so impressive were the colors, the combination of textures and the amazing harmony that nature created literally from nothing, from the garbage thrown by man. The yellow lichens and mosses of various shades of green are still wet and fresh after the rain, and we are almost at the mountains.
And there, at the foot of the old birch-no less beautiful picture:
Tell us, what prevents us from repeating the ideas of nature in your garden, improving and enriching what has already been created by it?! Moreover, mosses, quite unpretentious, live well in favorable conditions and do not require special care.
I don’t know about you, but I can look at such sketches endlessly. In my opinion, this wild beauty is not inferior to well-groomed garden beds.
And then we passed an old pond on the outskirts…
Many recommendations for the arrangement of garden ponds say that they should be placed away from trees, especially deciduous ones. The explanation is given as follows: the leaves, getting into the water, pollute it, begin to decompose at the bottom, and the reservoir will require a long cleaning.
This is probably true for small ponds (although I had a tiny pond located under a canopy of deciduous shrubs) — but look at how the trees are, even very old (some even dried up) decorate the landscape!
Perhaps creating a natural pond is a more time-consuming process than building a conventional garden pond based on film or finished molds. But looking at this old pond, I once again dream of making just such a small pond in my garden. So the trees and clouds were reflected in the calm and clear water, and the banks were overgrown with grass, in which frogs hid… At the height of summer, dragonflies will hang over the water, and somewhere, deep down, carp will move their fins…
Here is spring inspiration, dreams inspired by nature.
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