Spectacular Alpine slide-the dream of many gardeners. But alas, too expensive. However, if you like “stone stories” , and free funds are not so much-the output is still there!
The thing is that in addition to such a revered object among gardeners, there are many other rock gardens, more economical to create and at the same time the beauty is not inferior to the “Queen”. It is about them we will tell today. But first, we recommend that you take a simple advice. Before you create on the site “stone idea”, make a detailed plan of the future object, indicating exactly where you plan to place the stones, and where to plant plants.
The site on the slope, if desired, can be turned into a huge rock garden
This visual hint will help to calculate in advance the required amount of materials, and you just do not buy too much. So, we present possible candidates for the role of “stone hit” for your site.
Rockery — the same Alpine hill, only flat. This is its main advantage. After all, here you do not have to spend money on the creation of relief and Foundation. You will need a drain and a substrate of sand and gravel. The size does not matter much — even a miniature composition can look very worthy. That you have achieved exactly this effect, we will reveal an important secret: rockery is very “likes” all kinds of frames, such as paving or gravel dumping. But it is not necessary to pour the gravel directly on the ground — to pull him out of the weeds is very problematic.
The combination of stones and conifers — a win-win for any site. The main thing is to observe reasonable proportions
Tip: do not be afraid to dream — use in the composition of unexpected solutions and uncharacteristic Alpine theme decor, such as multi-colored gravel and fragments of colored ceramics.
Garden of stones
The garden of stones can be created in any garden and on any relief. All the main roles are given to the stones — large, medium, very tiny or even their placers.
The laconic garden of stones practically does not need plants
Trees and shrubs do not belong here, but the herbaceous perennials will be very close to the court. But don’t overdo it: no more than 4-5 “characters”. The main requirement — that they blended with the rocks and not distract from their look.
Alpine garden
Alpine garden, on the contrary, is dedicated to plants rather than stones, which are clearly assigned to the second role or even the fate of extras. A great move is to make a mono-garden dedicated to one plant. This object will certainly be a win-win, easy to implement and quite interesting.
Alpine garden, focuses more on the plants than the rocks
Perfect role models: the Heather garden, the garden Phlox subulate, young or groundcover conifers.
Alpine step
The Alpine step is a miniature retaining wall made of natural stone. Here, Alpine plants are planted not vertically but horizontally-on the plane itself. When building an object, be sure to make a notch for drainage, on top of it, fill up the soil, lay out the stones and only then plant the plants. Such an original “flower bed” can be entered in one of the garden stairs or left to Shine alone.
Alpine step, inhabited by succulents, will not require much trouble
Herbaceous perennials will be very much to the court.
Rocky songs
Stony compositions-elegant improvisation, and not always in the Alpine style. These arbitrary “companies” meet only your taste and aesthetic needs, just like an essay on a free theme.
Huge boulders are beautiful in themselves, and in the company of green grass and brightly flowering perennials
That is why you can create such an object in almost any corner of the site both in the sun and in the shade. The choice of stones and plants, as well as the proportion between them you determine in your opinion. The only requirement is the harmony of the combination. Any trees and shrubs — both large and low-can participate in the composition.
The only requirement is the harmony of the combination
For decoration, use a variety of stones, decorative gravel, pebbles, colored glass and other interesting materials.
Rocky garden
The rocky garden is suitable for any relief, whether it is a slope or a plane. Its distinctive feature is the predominance of stones and stone scree over plants, which are placed at a great distance from each other. Trees and shrubs are almost not planted — all attention is paid only to the beauty of the stones.
In the rocky garden will feel great ferns and ground cover perennials
That is why the “heroes” for such an object should be chosen carefully, their appearance should be at least interesting, and at most — perfect. In the rocky garden will feel great ferns and ground cover perennials.
Container rock garden
Container rock gardens-the original “pocket” option, which can be moved around the site as you please. To create them, most often use ceramic containers, but in the case you can put and stones with holes, special fireclay “trough”, logs and stumps and even… coconut shell. But not plastic! And you will need small stones and the most miniature plants, which should be placed strictly according to the laws of composition, because a small object is reported to be particularly harmonious.
Miniature rock garden can be placed in the country, and in a city apartment
Creating several such mini-masterpieces, you can decorate their Playground or garden stairs. Or ascend to the podium, specially built to showcase your creations. And after the end of the season, all this beauty can be taken to the city apartment as a reminder of the past summer.
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