Own seedlings
To get your own seedlings for planting in pots, you need to do the same as if you were going to grow them to create a new bed. On the mother bushes of open ground, you need to leave 2-3 air shoots. Prepare small cups with drainage holes, fill them with soil and dig them next to the mother plant level with the ground. Press the first-order rosettes to the soil in the cups, securing with a hairpin. Next, regularly water the young plants and after about 3 weeks, cut off the “umbilical cord” – the shoot that connects them to the queen bush. If you notice the formation of a peduncle or mustache, then they will need to be removed so that the rosette does not waste energy on their development, but increases the root system.
Hurry to plant young bushes is not worth it just wait for the fall. Before the first frost, remove the old leaves from them, leaving a couple of fresh light green ones, dig out the cups and bring them to a cool room (+10…+14°C – 50…57.2°F). Leave the seedlings there for 2 weeks, this will be a period of rest for them.
Then we transfer the pots to the house. If the seedlings are quite large, and the cups are small, you can immediately transplant the plants into larger containers. It is recommended to thoroughly soak the root clod with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Do not forget that when transplanting strawberries, it is important to place them in the soil at the same level as before, without sinking or sticking up. As practice shows, flowering begins about a month after bringing the seedlings into the warmth of the room, and the first berries can be picked in another 4 weeks.
Root seedlings
Frigo (Root) is not a particular variety or type of strawberry, but a technology for preparing planting material. It is worked out by manufacturers, and it has a great future. Its meaning is that seedlings are grown for a long time, from the beginning of spring to frost. In November-December, seedlings with a powerful lobe of mature brown roots are dug out, the leaves are removed and sorted depending on the size of the rosette. Then they are packed in thin plastic bags and stored in special refrigerators with a small negative temperature (0… -2°C – 32…35.6°F). So they can be stored up to 9 months without loss of quality.
For home cultivation, such planting material is of the greatest value. You can plant it at any time — and get a harvest in a very short time: the first berries from frigo appear in 8-9 weeks.
After the purchase, the seedlings are planted in pots and thoroughly poured with water, adding a drug to stimulate root formation. Then, in order for the rooting process to take place quickly, the pots are placed in a cool (+7°C – 44.6°F) place for 7-10 days…+8°C – 46.4°F) and not very bright room, this is the optimal conditions. If this is not possible, then you need to try to ensure the maximum non-hot temperature.
Then the pots should be placed on a light windowsill — and, if necessary, organize additional lighting, bringing the length of the daylight to 12-14 hours. The rest of the care (watering, fertilizing, pollination, pruning) is similar to that described for plants grown from seeds. In addition, of course, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of manufacturers regarding a particular variety. Some plants need more fertilizing, others need more frequent watering, etc.
5 Best Homemade Strawberries Varieties
For a home garden on the windowsill, you should not take varieties for greenhouse breeding: they will not feel good in the dry air of the apartment. It is necessary to select remontant varieties (that is, those that bear fruit several times per season) and those that belong to the varieties of the neutral day. The so-called ampel varieties are well suited. In addition, they must be resistant to low humidity.
The following varieties performed well in indoor conditions:
Large-fruited remontant strawberries. The multi-flowered inflorescence is located at the level of the leaves. Berries of conical shape, average weight 30 g (1 oz), red, shiny. A very decorative variety, as at the same time on the bush you can see flowers, ovaries and ripe fruits.
It is a remontant high-yielding variety. The berries are very large (up to 75 g – 2.6 oz), regular conical shape, fragrant and sweet. It has a very high performance potential. Berries are not susceptible to diseases, but are demanding for watering.
Elizabeth 2
A variety that bears fruit continuously (not in waves), with incredibly large berries reaching 110 g (the size of an average apple), bright red in color, with dense flesh. Very early fruiting is due to the fact that this variety overwinters with already formed buds. Requires frequent watering and fertilizing.
Evi 2
This option is a stable remontant variety, the berries are large, sweet with an excellent taste. Weight of 1 berry — 15-25 g (0.5-0.9 oz).
Baron Solemacher
Remontant early-maturing small-fruited variety, does not form a mustache. The bush is compact, about 25 cm (10 inch) in diameter. Berries weighing 4 g (0.15 oz), dark red color, elongated shape. The aroma is strong, the taste is sweet.
Growing strawberries on a windowsill is no more difficult than any other plant. This crop adapts well to indoor conditions — with a competent choice of varieties and careful approach, it will definitely thank you with a good harvest.
Homemade Strawberries On The Windowsill: 3 Ways Of Growing (Part 1)
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