Tag: Decor Bushes and Trees

Hydrangea Paniculate: the Best Varieties and Not Only (Part 1)

Among the many ornamental plants that adorn our suburban areas, hydrangea paniculata stands out. Wide popularity of this wonderful shrub acquired thanks to its incredibly beautiful and long flowering. Add excitement around this beauty tireless efforts of breeders, striking our imagination with new and new varieties. Therefore, if you are […]

Types of Prunus Padus: Description, Features of Cultivation

Time flies fast: before you know it, winter is over. In warm Sunny days and even in January-February already smells like spring. And what spring without cherries, without their violent flowering and sweet-tart aroma of bitter almonds? Bird cherry-deciduous trees (mainly) or shrubs. Botanists, dendrologists separately distinguish the genus Prunus, […]

Decorative Honeysuckle: Growing and Care (Part 2)

Spectacular decoration Lonicera caprifolium could lead one to thoughts of her extremely discerning, but it is not. Care for shrub forms is quite simple and is no different from the care of more familiar to us decorative cultures. Lianoid honeysuckle will require more attention, in particular, to maintain high soil […]