Tag: Perennial Plants Care

A Simple Way to Increase the Harvest of Raspberries in Half. Determine the Best Time for Pruning. (Part 1)

Raspberry is a very grateful culture. With good care, she gives the gardener a generous harvest of large sweet berries, continuing to grow in one place for many years. But good care is not only regular watering and fertilizing, but also the correct pruning of plants. This important procedure directly […]

A Simple Way to Increase the Harvest of Raspberries in Half. Determine the Best Time for Pruning. (Part 2)

Pruning remontant raspberries Unlike ordinary raspberry remontant endowed with a valuable feature: it is able to harvest both last year’s shoots and branches that have appeared in the current season. Depending on the method of pruning varieties of repair and change the timing of their fruiting. Option 1 Pruning of […]

What is the Secret of the Popularity of American Peonies? (Part 2)

Peonies must have I do not know a single person, even far from floriculture, which would not have frozen in silent amazement, seeing in my garden American hybrid ‘Henry Bockstoce’. How could you not marvel at the sight of the huge with the baby’s head, double flowers with brilliant garnet-red […]

What is the Secret of the Popularity of American Peonies? (Part 1)

In recent years, the most popular in the world have become American varieties of peonies. The fact is that after the First world war, the center of selection of these plants gradually moved from France to the United States, where many nurseries were formed. There worked known originators, who gave […]

What are the Most Winter-Hardy Roses: a Cheat Sheet for the Novice Grower

I represent the top of the best roses that have proven themselves in difficult conditions of cold climate. This hardy winter-hardy varieties, characterized by lush flowering. Many of them bloom tirelessly all summer until the first frost, confidently winter and delight us with amazing beauty flowers. An unfading classic ‘Paul’s […]