If all people were asked: “What can be made from pumpkin?” — then in the first place in popularity would be, without a doubt, the answer “Halloween Mask”. What else could people think? A vase for flowers, a candlestick, a basket, and finally a carriage for Cinderella… The list doesn’t seem to be that big.
But in fact, an ordinary pumpkin can turn not only into a fabulous carriage, but also into much more original things. And even magic is almost not needed at the same time – unless, of course, you count the magic of skillful hands and a heated imagination.
Size matters
To begin with, you can build completely different things from different types of pumpkins. To begin with, let’s take the most common pumpkin, which is very often and successfully grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. By the way, in biology this species is called “ordinary pumpkin”. The most common and familiar sight is the appearance of a rounded fruit of bright orange color, often very large in size. This is a huge size and lies at the heart of our creations.
Pumpkin can reach very large sizes
Why don’t you build one of the beautiful boats with these giant pumpkins? With the appropriate skills, she can not only swim in the pond, but also be used for rafting on the water. Just don’t forget the life jacket.
Pumpkin Boats
Attention, attention! Everyone is invited to the opening of the mini-bar “Favorite pumpkin”. For the first visitors – a dish from the chef for free! Of course, forest dwellers will appreciate the pumpkin feeder at its true worth:
Forest dwellers will appreciate the pumpkin bird feeder
After a hearty lunch, it’s time to relax. Tell me, what kind of fruit can be used to build a whole house? And let only your four-legged friend fit in it, the main thing is that it is convenient.
Dog and cat in a pumpkin
Well, if the harvest of pumpkins pleased, then you can build a gazebo out of them:
Garden gazebo made of pumpkins
Anyway, pumpkins and Halloween are inseparable. And thanks to the XXL size, an ordinary mask turns into a real monster.
The fear is so big!
However, if we decide to scare someone with a pumpkin, it would be better if it were uninvited feathered guests encroaching on our crops. Put a pumpkin scarecrow in the garden!
Pumpkin scarecrow will meet uninvited guests
You can also make an unusual illumination from pumpkins in the garden. Only the expressions of “pumpkin faces” should be nicer.
Unusual lighting in the pumpkin garden
By the way, if your friends want to stay for a “cup of coffee”, you can cool the drinks in a pumpkin bucket with ice.
Pumpkin will make a good ice bucket
Porridge is not the main thing
You won’t be able to cook a delicious porridge from a decorative pumpkin, but the “creative kitchen” is simply an indispensable item. This is something that you can dream about and bring to life the most creative ideas. Candlesticks, clocks, caskets, vases, lanterns – everything turns out to be original and attractive.
Decorative pumpkin products
Is it time to transplant your favorite flower, and there is no suitable pot at hand? It does not matter — the pumpkin will be an excellent “home” for the plant.
Pumpkin will make a great flower pot
Our heroine also works as original vases. Compositions of dried flowers, autumn leaves, twigs with bright fruits will look great:
A pumpkin can turn into a vase
Or else, look at what beautiful spiders with candles. You won’t guess what they’re made of!
Pumpkin Spider Candlesticks
And what wonderful decorative wreaths are obtained from small pumpkins!
A wreath of small pumpkins
Pumpkin can be used to make many more different trinkets that are not particularly functional, but decorate our house! In addition, some species of this plant themselves look so original that they will become a bright highlight of the interior without much refinement.
Decorative pumpkin products
No time for complicated crafts? Don’t worry! You can simply paint the most beautiful or the largest pumpkin – and get an original decor element.
If you don’t have time for complicated crafts, you can just paint a pumpkin
Or, for example: do a little magic on a pumpkin and get fabulous mini-houses. At least use them as a souvenir or hang them on the Christmas tree.
Pumpkin is very good for crafts
If you have the skills of artistic wood carving, then it is quite easy to make such a pumpkin, and the result is impressive.
Pumpkin carving is much easier than wood carving, and the effect is amazing
A very useful and ancient guest
Do you know what dishes were prepared by the inhabitants of modern Peru 12 thousand years ago? That’s right – pumpkin. It is also known as bottle pumpkin, Indian cucumber, Vietnamese squash. There are other names that are usually associated with a certain shape of the fruit — it can be round, club-shaped and elongated (serpentine), as well as pear-shaped. You can even plant fruits of any kind and give them any shape if you place the ovary in a wooden mold of the desired configuration.
Unusual pumpkin
In addition to the unusual shape, pumpkin fruits in dried form are durable and light. They do not leak moisture, so for a long time in many countries they have been used to make not only dishes, but also musical instruments, and children’s toys, and even tobacco pipes. Let’s remember the famous calabash – the Indians made it from pumpkin.
Various useful things have been made from pumpkins since ancient times
What if I suggest you make a chandelier out of pumpkins? It can be argued that no one else will have such a lighting device!
A chandelier made of pumpkins – no one else will do that for sure!
Having collected the desired harvest, get down to business – creating your masterpiece! Here are some more photos with ideas for inspiration:
As you can see, our old “familiar stranger” – pumpkin opens up a wide scope for creativity. The main thing is to turn on the imagination, connect skillful hands to it and not put off ideas “on the back burner”.
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