Arsenal of cosmetics based on honey is truly huge. It is added to creams and masks, used for peels and scrubs. Baths with honey and honey wraps, lotions and tonics, hair products of any type — all and not listed.
The popularity of honey cosmetics is understandable: these tools for the care of appearance is easy to prepare yourself, their effectiveness is proven, and the recipe can be chosen for almost any occasion. The article contains only a small part of them, and it will be great if you share your favorite recipes of proven potions in the comments — this will help make the collection more useful for all readers.
Do not forget about possible contraindications. If you are allergic to pollen or honey, you can’t use these recipes. If you have not used honey cosmetics, it is advisable to first carry out a standard test (apply a little honey on the skin, wait 10-15 minutes, rinse — if there was irritation, itching, redness, use any means of bee products should not be).
Nourishing cream mask with honey for normal skin
Due to its nourishing, toning, softening and anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to increase vascular tone and activate capillary blood circulation, honey has a positive effect on the skin, improving its health and appearance.
For the preparation of this product will require:
- 1 tube of any baby cream;
- 1 teaspoon honey;
- 1 aloe leaf;
- 1 teaspoon cream;
- favorite essential oil (2-3 drops) – for flavor.
Squeeze the aloe juice; combine and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator (before use, hold for a while at room temperature for comfortable application to the skin).
Apply the cream mask to the face, leave for 1 hour. Wash with warm water, then rinse your face with cold and gently Pat with a soft towel. The product nourishes the skin, improves its tone, smoothes fine wrinkles.
Honey mask with oatmeal for oily skin
If you have oily skin, prone to inflammation, with enlarged pores, this mask will help to cope with problems. It gently exfoliates dead skin cells, cleanses pores, eliminates irritation.
It is necessary to grind (in a meat grinder or coffee grinder) 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of skimmed milk, mix well. Apply the mask to the skin, leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water, rinse your face with cold water (you can add lemon juice), dry with a towel. Apply nourishing cream.
There is another recipe for a honey mask with oatmeal: take 1 tsp ground cereals, honey and olive oil, add egg yolk, mix everything and apply to the face and neck. This product is suitable for tired skin with enlarged pores; it removes toxins, tones, improves complexion.
Honey mask with aloe for aging skin
This recipe also has options. Aloe juice moisturizes the skin, tones it, cleanses and relieves inflammation; honey stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells; well, depending on other additives, the mask acquires additional useful properties. Do not forget that aloe, like honey, can cause an allergic reaction — before using the product, make sure that your body reacts normally to all ingredients.
The basic recipe is very simple: take in equal parts aloe juice (sometimes it is recommended just to grind the pulp into a uniform pulp) and honey, mix, let stand for 5-10 minutes and apply to the skin. If the composition is too liquid, you can soak them “mask”, cut from a gauze cloth, and then carefully apply it to the face.
And now – about additives:
- plus olive oil and vitamins
Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 2 drops of vitamin a and vitamin E oil solution to the initial mixture. This composition nourishes the aging skin, smoothes wrinkles.
- plus cottage cheese
Add 2 teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese to the base composition, mix the ingredients well. This mask can be done twice a week to feed tired, aging skin.
- plus oat flour
Here are a few other proportions: 1 teaspoon of honey should take 1 tbsp. spoon of aloe juice and add to the mixture 2 teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix thoroughly to avoid lumps, apply to face for 20 minutes. This mask cleanses, tones and rejuvenates the skin.
Honey peeling with lemon
This product is suitable for oily skin (including problem), as well as tired, aging. It not only cleanses, but also softens, tones, stimulates blood circulation, whitens the skin and improves the complexion. But note: if there is any inflammation, peeling with lemon should not be done.
To prepare the product, mix 2 tablespoons of liquid honey (if necessary, melt the honey in a water bath) and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice; sometimes add another 1 tablespoon of wheat bran. Apply to the skin, after 20-30 minutes rinse with warm water.
Honey scrub with oat flakes
The composition of honey scrub with oat flakes can be supplemented with a variety of products — depending on the type of skin and the desired effect. Scrub is applied with light massaging movements, trying not to stretch the skin. It is recommended not to wash off the product immediately, and leave it on your face for 5-10 minutes, so that the nutrients have time to soak.
- For oily skin with contaminated, enlarged pores
3 tablespoons of oat flakes, 1 egg protein, 1 tablespoon of honey; mix everything, apply to the face, massage the skin. It is an excellent cleanser; it tightens pores, relieves black spots.
- For aging skin
4 tablespoons of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon of cream and honey; if the skin is dry, sensitive, cream is replaced with olive oil. This scrub, in addition to cleansing, nourishes and tones the skin.
- For problem skin prone to inflammation
3 sheets of aloe (peel and grind in puree), 3 tablespoons of oat flakes and honey, 3 drops of tea tree oil. The product cleanses, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents inflammation.
Honey mask for oily hair
Honey is useful not only for skin but also hair. Depending on the additional ingredients, on the basis of the bee product, you can make hair care products of any type.
This mask is suitable for those who have oily hair, quickly polluted, dull. The product effectively regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the hair and returns them to their natural Shine.
To prepare the mask, mix 2 tablespoons of honey and warm milk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 100 g of black bread (without crust). Apply the mixture to the scalp, rubbing into the hair roots. Massage well to make the product better absorbed. Then cover the hair with polyethylene and wrap with a towel. Keep the mask on your hair for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 5 times each time you wash your head, then take a break for 3-4 weeks, after which you can spend another course.
Honey mask for dry hair
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), add 1 raw egg yolk, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask to the scalp, massage, rubbing the mixture into the hair roots. Cover with polyethylene, wrap the head with a towel and leave for 1-2 hours. Rinse with warm water. Rinse (useful for this decoctions of herbs-nettle, chamomile pharmacy, horsetail or hops). This mask nourishes and strengthens the hair, returns them to their natural Shine, reduces breakage.
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