After recently undergoing repairs, I came to a firm conviction: it is better to do the work for which your own skills are enough. It will definitely turn out faster and more economical, tested! Since you can’t do without basic construction and installation tools (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, etc.), I suggest you go shopping for amateur-level repairmen there will be almost everything!
We paint playfully
Pipes, frames, doors, fences — you can list everything that needs to be painted from time to time indefinitely. There should be various brushes in the arsenal of a home craftsman: a narrow one will be needed for filigree work, wider ones will be suitable for voluminous tasks. Well, if you need to master a huge area, take a roller — save paint and time! By the way, the latter is very convenient to apply to walls and other compounds — primer, wallpaper glue. So take a couple in reserve, they will come in handy!
A few words about the quality of brushes and rollers: to be honest, I did not notice the difference between budget tools and more expensive models from a specialized construction store. Except for the cost, of course.
Let there be light!
A screwdriver with a backlight is definitely a good solution. Of course, when you just need to attach a shelf to the wall, and even during the day, you can do without it. In all other cases, the backlight will come in handy. Usually something needs to be screwed-unscrewed in hard-to-reach places, while the flow of light is reliably blocked by the master’s back. You either have to work by touch, or squeeze a flashlight or lamp into a tiny free space. Both options are extremely inconvenient. That’s where a backlit screwdriver comes in handy! Please note: the model is equipped with not one or two, but six LEDs.
Important little things
Of course, the repair work will not stop if you do not have a retractable knife or adhesive masking tape. But they will definitely become more complicated. For example, a thin sharp knife is indispensable for obtaining an even joint of wallpaper in the inner corners, precise and easy cutting of linoleum and many other works. Paper masking tape — without exaggeration — is our savior during repairs: it will reliably cover parts that do not need to be painted or it will be difficult (and sometimes impossible!) wash it.
All right
A good owner has every thing in its place. In order not to look for a storage corner, it is very convenient to take a set of tools in a case. For example, for minor repair or maintenance work, a basic set of pliers, a retractable knife, a tape measure, a phillips and flat screwdrivers, and several hex keys will be enough.
Have you already managed to buy a lot of necessary tools separately? It’s okay, there is a wonderful solution in specialized stores — a durable plastic storage case. Roomy, with reliable latch locks and a convenient carrying handle – not just a tool box, but a dream! Despite the not modest price, the quality was pleasantly surprised: my husband has the same loaded to the eyeballs (it’s even difficult for me to lift), but he has been serving faithfully for more than a year.
To make it convenient to work
Do not pass by the shelves with gloves, do not save on yourself! Take a few pairs in reserve, they will definitely come in handy! Many construction compounds are difficult to wash and dry the skin; abrasions, scratches and cuts during repairs are common, but do you need it?
Separately, I want to focus on the knee pads. They may not look very pretty, but they are made conscientiously: a comfortable shape, a fairly thick layer of foamed polymer, soft but elastic. I don’t like elastic bands under my knees, but you can improve the model to suit your needs — just attach knee pads to trousers!
I have already bought a couple, taught by painful experience: grinding the joints of OSB slabs for laying linoleum, at the same time I passed the disk over the caps of the screws. Carried away by the work, I didn’t even notice how I put my knee on the newly polished fasteners. The result is predictable — a burn. Take into account my mistakes and hurry up for the knee pads!
You can talk endlessly about repairs, but it’s time to take stock and make a list for going to the store. What to take is up to you, but remember: every house must have a basic set of tools to hammer a nail, tighten a nut, saw off something, glue, paint or insulate.
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