Light grape varieties
In second place, there are grape types with white, pink, red, amber-yellow and green skin color. The color of the berries depends on the content of flavonoids of different chemical structures.
Yellow color is given by flavones and flavonoids, causing color shades of light grape varieties. Quercetin — red plant pigment, a substance of the group of flavonoids — belongs to the group of vitamin P, and together with the acids contained in the berry juice, reduces permeability and capillary fragility of blood vessels, thereby producing a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect; prevents platelets from sticking together, improves the rheological properties of blood; lowers “bad” cholesterol. Knowing this, grapes can be used for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases — hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, stroke.
Red, pink, and purple colors give anthocyanins. Just like dark blue berries, these berries have antioxidant, anti-tumor, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties, but to a lesser extent. This is understandable — because the content of resveratrol and quercetin they are inferior to berries with a dark color. However, due to the sufficient content of vitamins, flavonoids and antioxidants, the juice of these grapes is recommended for digestive problems, visual impairment in glaucoma and cataracts.
The juice of the grape forcing water-salt metabolism, removes excess uric acid and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the urinary tract. These properties allow you to recommend taking juice for violations of the urogenital tract, gout and urolithiasis.
One glass of freshly prepared grape juice contains a daily allowance of b vitamins, including thiamine, Riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic and Pantothenic acids, which stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscles and in the Central nervous system. This is why grape juice is recommended for people with high physical activity, especially since it is the leader in iron content and easily digestible carbohydrates. Juice is also useful for athletes, because it not only relieves muscle tension and fatigue, but also replenishes energy reserves.
You will be surprised, but grapes with red or pink color of berries can be called natural antibiotics. It is in these berries contain volatile, destroying disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Of course, grapes can’t replace medicines, but taking berries to prevent flu or acute respiratory viral infection is a great solution!
If the cold still caught up with you, the perfect addition to medical treatment will serve grapes with a nutmeg taste. Due to the expectorant action of the saponins of the skin of Muscat grapes, the viscosity of sputum decreases, and the cough passes faster. Do you remember the subtle unusual aftertaste of berries? Aromatic substances that give this nutmeg flavor, reduce puffiness of the nasopharyngeal mucous membranes and relieve nasal congestion during colds.
Stilbena enzymes, found in all parts of red and pink grape varieties, contribute to the production of the valuable antioxidant resveratrol. And they themselves are very useful: they reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins and increase the content of high-density lipoproteins. This leads to normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood and improvement of liver function.
A distinctive feature of white and green grapes is considered to be a lower sugar content than other varieties, so you can safely eat it without fear of gaining weight. And during pregnancy, in the case of edema, it is good to eat yellow-green grape berries with a pronounced diuretic effect. It is desirable that this grape was grown at home without the use of chemicals.
Varieties of seedless grapes
We will award the third place to seedless grape varieties. They are bred by breeders artificially for human convenience.
Everyone knows, for example, Sultana grapes. It does not contain any seeds that contain useful oils, vitamins and other active substances. And the pulp of resveratrol and quercetin berries is less than twice as much as in dark varieties.
It is clear that such grapes are of little value for health, but it has its advantages. It is eaten with pleasure by children, without fear of choking on a bone. And when harvesting raisins, it is indispensable. Raisins are widely used in cooking.
Grape seeds are a source of valuable medicinal substances
Scientific studies say that 90% of all parts of the grape are stored in the grape seed. Bones contain fatty oils, tannins, lecithin, vanillin, B-carotene, linolenic, oleic, palmitic unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6. They, along with vitamin E, keep our skin fresh and supple and prevent rapid aging.
Grape seeds are recommended to take in food, carefully chewing. They taste fragrant, slightly astringent, sometimes you can feel a little bitterness. But, you must agree, not everyone will like this action. It is much more pleasant and useful to take the bones inside, grinding them in a coffee grinder into a fine powder. The best way to use it is to mix the resulting flour with kefir or use it as an additive to cereals. In order not to harm the gastrointestinal tract instead of using it, it is recommended to take no more than one or two teaspoons of grape seeds per day.
Fiber, thanks to which the bones are so hard, helps to cleanse the intestines. But so that it does not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes, you must carefully chew the berry along with the bones. Although organic acids stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines, do not neglect the recommendations of doctors.
Grape seed oil
In cooking, grape seed oil is considered one of the most useful, since when heated to high temperatures, it does not form harmful substances. But the greatest use of grape seeds was found in cosmetology.
When buying, it is better to choose scrubs, creams, ointments and masks based on oil obtained by cold method, they will bring more benefit. It is especially recommended to use such cosmetics in the autumn season, because during the summer our skin is dried up by hot winds and the sun. One of the options for strengthening hair is to RUB the resulting oil into the hair roots an hour before shampooing and wrap it up. If you do this at least once a week, chic curls are provided for you.
It is very easy to prepare a scrub at home, just grind the right amount of dried grape seeds in a coffee grinder and mix with a gel for washing. Even without difficulties, you can make face masks from the same ground into flour bones. If you mix flour with kefir, you will get a mask for oily skin. And if you use cream or sour cream as a filler, a nourishing mask for dry aging skin will be ready.
There is a way to make grape seed oil at home. Of course, it will be inferior in quality to cold-pressed oil, but it is very budget-friendly and does not cause side effects. Making this oil is very simple — pour the grape seed powder into a jar, pour olive or sunflower oil so that the contents are completely covered. Put on a week in a dark place, periodically checking and shaking. Then strain the resulting healing oil extract from the meal and put it in a dark place for three days. You will see that the oil will exfoliate. The upper part will get a greenish color — we carefully merge it into a beautiful bottle and enjoy using it.
A tablespoon of this oil, taken once a day during meals, replaces the daily human need for vitamin E. Due to the large number of antioxidants, minerals, chlorophyll and flavonoids, the oil can be recommended in the complex treatment of diseases of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the gall bladder and pancreas.
By the way, a very important feature of the bones is that they, unlike the pulp, do not contain glucose, so they can be safely prescribed to people suffering from diabetes. It is very useful oil for women, as phytosterols together with the calcium contained in the bones strengthen bone tissues and prevent osteoporosis when menopause occurs.
I would like to emphasize the useful properties of grape seed meal and oil for men. With systematic ingestion of one tablespoon of the prepared drug, blood circulation in the pelvis of men improves, and spermatogenesis is stimulated. This allows the use of meal and oil in the complex treatment of impotence and for the prevention of prostatitis-a dangerous disease for men.
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