The tradition is not just to wash, namely to bathe in the bath, long and firmly established in life. Often the bath is an absolutely necessary element of country life and is built by the owner with love and care.
Every Saturday evening over the country villages curl haze of bath pipes,and the air tempting aroma of fried kebabs. And what should you take with you, what should everyone have? Of course the broom! Here let us start with the story about the bathing facilities.
“Broom in the bath head” – one of the many Russian sayings about the bath, because the broom is the most important attribute of the bath. What are brooms made of?
The most common – from the branches of deciduous and coniferous trees. Of deciduous the most loved by the people of birch and oak brooms, there are still fake; best recognized of coniferous fir – very soft and fragrant fir foot. Also use juniper, that’s just a rather prickly juniper, then you need to have a special habit. As for me, most of all I like birch brooms: they are softer than oak, and most importantly – very fragrant.
Use and nettle brooms: plucked stems of dioecious nettle in a hot bath lose their stinging properties, so that it is not necessary to steam. In wood brooms often add branches of fragrant and medicinal plants, such as wormwood. Yes, they also use eucalyptus twigs, if you can buy them somewhere. They are very fragrant thanks to its essential oils.
Now on sale there are special bamboo brooms – in the form of a bunch of long and thin sticks. They are used more for light massage pats.
If the birch broom is fresh, recently cut, it is not necessary to steam. Otherwise, it becomes too soft, gives off a lot of mucus and use this is not very pleasant. And here is the dried twigs definitely need to pour hot water.
Well, with brooms seems determined. What else is important to take to the bath?
Sheet or large towel
It is also an important attribute of bath procedures. A large Terry towel or linen sheet – the main thing that the material was natural, well absorbing moisture, pleasant to the body and the size allowed it to wrap.
Cap and mittens
These accessories are necessary for the most avid and desperate vapers. In General, even if you do not steam, but just like to sit on a shelf and warm up, it is better to put on a hat or a kerchief on your head: so you will protect your head and hair from excessive overheating.
And the hat is absolutely necessary, but it is not only the head but also the ears too can be heated and even burned. The same is with the hands: with a strong pair of broom waving with bare hands is not very nice, much too they burn from the heat. So avid steamers wear special gloves in the bath of felt or felt, but not, so fit and conventional tops (wide mittens, usually worn over mittens) – they are most convenient, they are easy to put on wet hands and remove.
Bath caps are made of natural felt or wool, in the form — for every taste. The most convenient is a simple cap in the form of a bell. By the way, they are sold in special departments of stores.
If you visit a public bath, you must have Slippers and a special Mat for sitting, which can also be purchased at the store.
Mats are rubber, made of stacked boards, felt, and if no, it is suitable and just a small towel.
In its country bath shelves are usually veiled by the sheet – and nicer and more aesthetically pleasing.
All of the above-the most necessary bath attributes.
Wooden accessories
If you are just building your bath, you need to immediately take care of such things as a good durable bucket on a long wooden handle, bath thermometer. Broom can be steamed in a conventional basin. But wooden more beautiful!
Oils and herbs
The bath will not interfere with aromatic oils and herbal infusions. They are added to the water to succumb, and a pleasant smell is poured over the bath with the steam.
Well, if the suburban area you grow a variety of fragrant herbs. Before the bath, brew in a bucket or basin sprigs of mint, lemon balm, oregano, wormwood, and then add the infusion to the water for pouring or rinse their heads. And the smell in a bath of these herbs will!
And one more thing
It is highly desirable, but is not really necessary to take it to the bath massage special scraper. Now on sale there are a variety, often plastic, with a variety of spikes or spikes on the surface. They can be worn on the arm and massage the body. Usually this is done by sitting a little and steamed in the bath: such scrapers very well remove the upper epidermal layer of the skin.
We have already said that a thermometer in the bath is necessary. Succumbing to steam, keep an eye on it: temperature in the damp Russian bath should typically be within +60…+75°C.
Russian steam bath is good because, unlike other baths in it the optimal humidity-40%. While in the sauna it is only 10%, and in the Turkish Hammam – all 100! To determine this indicator, you can hang a special device-a hygrometer. Although such humidity is usually maintained in the Russian bath from the very beginning, because of its device.
Use in the bath and cosmetic oil. It is applied to the body at the final stage of all bath procedures and easily massaged, sitting in a warm steam room.
Going to the bath, be sure to bring drinks – herbal tea or just water. But alcohol (even beer) should not be used during the bath procedure.
Well, it seems, and prepared everything you need. What, the bathhouse is ready? Who’s first?
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