Today I propose to focus on the technology of sowing small seeds.
What seeds are considered to be small
To small include seeds, which in 1 g there are from 1000 to 10,000 pieces, more-it is the smallest seeds.
Seeds of ageratum
For example, in 1 g there are seeds:
- the ageratum — 6000-7000 pieces;
- Calceolaria-about 60000 pieces;
- Lobularia-30000-50000 pieces;
- Agrostemma-1500 pieces;
- Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum-about 80,000 pieces.
Features of sowing small seeds
I will describe a few ways, and you choose the right one.
Method 1
Sow surface: on a damp soil substrate in some container (pot, food container), cover with glass (lid) and put in a bright place at an appropriate temperature:
At a temperature of +10 °C…+16 °C:
- Erigeron;
Seeds of small pest
- Althaea;
- Alyssum.
At a temperature of +13 °C…+16 °C:
- Digitalis;
Foxglove seeds
- Antirrhinum;
- Phuopsis.
At a temperature of +13 °C…+18 °C:
- Astilbe;
- Doronicum;
- Laurentia;
- Coreopsis;
Coreopsis seeds
- Lysimachia;
- Papaver;
- Pagoda;
- Thymus.
At a temperature of +16 °C…+21 °C:
- Asarina;
- Aubrieta or directly into the ground;
- Campanula;
- Alcea;
Alcea Seeds
- Codonopsis;
- Heuchera;
- Ocimum;
Basil seeds
- Osteospermum;
- Matricaria;
- Melissa;
- Veronica;
Veronica’s seeds in a flask
- Veronicastrum;
- Reseda.
At a temperature of +18 °C…+21 °C:
- Calceolaria;
Seeds Of Calceolaria
- Hesperis;
- Platycodon;
Platycodon Seeds
- Sempervivum.
At a temperature of +18 °C…+24 °C:
- Lobelia еrinus;
Lobelia еrinus
- Senecio.
At a temperature of +21 °C…+24 °C:
- Impatiens;
Impatiens Seeds
- Nicotiana.
Method 2
Stratification, sow surface, put in a bright place at a specified temperature:
After 2 weeks of stratification, at +16 °C…+21 °C:
- Lychnis.
Lychnis Seeds
After 3 weeks of stratification:
- at +10 °C…+16 °C-Globularia and Trollius;
- at +18 °C…+21 °C Mimulus;
Mimulus Seeds
- at +16+21°C-Dodecatheon.
After 4 weeks of stratification, at +13 °C…+18 °C:
- Astrantia.
After 13 weeks of stratification, at +18 °C…+21 °C:
- Saponaria.
The Seeds Of Saponaria
Cool, if after 3 months of germination of seeds did not occur, and again germinate:
- at +18 °C…+21 °C-Aquilegia;
- at +16 °C…+18 °C-Helianthemum.
Method 3
In the spring, after stratification, we sow in the open ground almost surface or nests:
- Aconitum;
- Aruncus;
- Eryngium;
- Lewisia;
- Primula;
- Sedum;
- Tiarella.
Method 4
We sow in the open ground in the spring, without stratification. We sow almost superficially, barely covering the seeds with soil or sand, on a pre-prepared bed or nests:
- Agrostemm;
- Amaranthus;
- Viscaria;
- Nemesia;
- Matthiola and others.
How to sow
It turns out that small seeds can be sown superficially in different ways:
With folded paper
A small sheet of paper (only not very thin, an ordinary copier is suitable) put the widow. Carefully pour the seeds on the sheet.
Sown with the seeds of Heliotropium paper
Try not to touch the seeds with your hands, so they do not stick to the palm.
So it is possible to sow small seeds Plectranthus scutellarioides
You can use a pencil — his pointed pencil piece to send seeds to the substrate.
Using snow and pipette
In those regions where there is still snow, you can use a good opportunity — to take it as an assistant.
So you can sow small seeds Nicotiana
On a pre-prepared moist soil substrate (in a pot or food container) pour a layer of snow, compacted it. Seeds from a bag pour on a saucer, pour a little water there. Suspension ready, grab a pipette and point spread the seeds on the snow surface. Later, melt water, absorbed into the soil, will entice the seeds. Crops cover with glass or put on a container plastic bag, but not very tight! Remember: seeds need fresh air to germinate so they do not moldy.
With the help of improvised devices
The essence is to sow dry seeds through small holes that are in the lid of the salt shaker, syringe and so on. You can make such a device, for example from a small container in which small seeds are sold. The process is simple: heat the awl, carefully make the lid one or more (as you prefer) small holes.
So you can sow small seeds of verbena
If the seeds in the container are not prepared for sowing, you can treat them with potassium permanganate (disinfection) and growth stimulants (e.g. humates).
With sand and a special seeder
This method can be used not only for surface sowing of small seeds in the tank, but also in open ground; especially good for sowing a large number of seeds.
With the help of a special seeder, in which small seeds are mixed with sand, you can sow Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum
The essence of this method of sowing is that the seeds are mixed with pure sand sifted in a ratio of 1:4. Then sow with a special seeder or pinch, as if salted food.
Features of sowing small seeds of wood plants
Among both grassy and woody plants there are species with very small seeds:
- Salix;
- Tamarix;
- Populus;
- Sorbaria and others.
The Seeds Of Tamarix
They very quickly (within 30 minutes) swell and, sown superficially in a container, a box, under glass, in wet conditions, at a temperature of +17 °C…+20 °C, germinate after 5-10 hours. If necessary (because all these crops are perfectly propagated vegetatively), freshly harvested in may-June seeds are sown immediately. Watering is carried out from the spray. Seedlings do not touch 1-2 years, as they grow slowly.
Swell for 1-2 h, germinate in 2-6 days seeds:
- Buddleja;
- Deutzia;
- Sorbaria;
- Spiraea;
- Philadelphia.
Buddleja Seeds
In the spring, in March-April, they are surface sown in boxes, under glass. Shoots to make a shade frames with stretched burlap. Annual seedlings in April-may can already be planted in the open ground.
Rhododendrons also have small seeds.
Rhododendron seed
Sow them better in the winter, in boxes or pots, surface, under glass or film. At a temperature of +10 °C…+15 °C shoots appear after 1-2 days; watering from the spray with soft water.
That’s all wisdom. Now, after reading the theory, in practice you can easily cope with the sowing of the smallest seeds.
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