When selecting twins, all the smells were grouped into conditional groups for easier distribution of species and varieties.
Special requirements for plants are not presented, so we will look for doubles in all life forms: herbs, shrubs, trees.
There will be no restrictions in the choice of heat-loving wood, as the possibility of tub culture give a real chance to grow them in the middle lane.
The perception of smells is always subjective, as I have seen recently. The Botanical garden held a conference on the theme: “Aromatic and medicinal plants: introduction, selection, agricultural technology, biologically active substances, the impact on humans.” Being a part of the participants, I could see firsthand how the smells of spicy and aromatic plants are perceived and evaluated ambiguously.
Let me remind you that it is enough to touch some plants to feel their tart, sharp unpleasant aroma. Other and do not touch: the smell is heard when approaching them, especially if growing a single instance. But the third will have to touch and even RUB the leaves in his hands. To the end not realizing the scent, you can attempt to figure out the chords the smell of essential oil plants, which we did.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s talk about everything in order.
Twins with specific flavors
Peculiar sharp aromas of Laurus nobilis, Myrtus communis, Eucalyptus. Some herbs with a high content of cineol try to imitate them.
The aroma of eucalyptus is well copied by some varieties of Pelargonium odoratissimum.
The aroma of eucalyptus with a pungent camphor smell has a cleansing effect, stimulates the nervous system, relieving fatigue and helping to concentrate. In addition, there is Thymus with eucalyptus smell. Notes of eucalyptus heard when rubbing showy glaucous leaves Achillea clypeolata.
Such perennial Salvia as Salvia mellifera and S. munzii smell of eucalyptus. It is quite possible to find a double (and not even one) Myrtus communis, because many representatives of the eponymous family Myrtaceae have leaves with glands filled with essential oil with a specific, characteristic aroma. These are Syzygium paniculatum, psidium guajava and others. All doubles can be grown in the tub culture.
The most common in potted and tub culture in the middle lane Mýrtus commúnis – evergreen shrub with small fragrant flowers and small beautiful leaves, which when rubbed emit a pleasant aroma.
It has long been considered that it eliminates fears and gives confidence. Poorly gets along with people suffering from fungal diseases. According to Arabic legend, Myrtus comes from Paradise. In Greek and Roman mythology, it was dedicated to Aphrodite and was considered a symbol of youth, beauty and chastity.
Twins with musky aromas
This scented plants, the aroma of which we hear notes of strong-smelling substances – musk. It is difficult to explain exactly what musk is, but all perfumers and many florists unmistakably recognize it from thousands of flavors. It is for the notes of musk, which gives warmth and sensual softness, I love rose garden variety ‘Amber Queen’. In this goal its flowering was fabulously luxurious.
Last year I loved the mint with a musky aroma. And I liked it so much that it became a plant for me in 2018.
Subtle, subtle notes of musk can be heard in cantaloupe melon.
Twins with camphor aroma
I will briefly mention the main ones: Ocimum forsskaolii, Grindelia camporum, cinnamon camphora, Thymus mastichina and others.
In addition to the true camphor and close to them species, there are a number of spicy and aromatic plants, in the chords of the aroma of which can be heard camphor.
Especially clearly it is felt in the smell of the blue form of Hyssopus officinalis. This kind of rich aroma of hyssop is bound to the borneol – a complex substance similar to camphor.
Notes of camphor can be felt in the aroma of the beloved by many summer residents Rosmarinus officinalis.
Similar in appearance to lavender, Salvia lavandulifolia flavor far from it: when you RUB its leaves felt the smell of rosemary with camphor notes.
And camphor can be heard in the smell of Salvia officinalis, S. dominica, spicy floral aroma of Perovskia atriplicifolia.
Twins with “aroma” of bedbugs
Tart smell of these unattractive insects some fans identify as the aroma of cognac. Of course, it sounds more beautiful, but the essence does not change. Charming climbing rose garden variety ‘Spring dawn’ smells not very nice – bugs.
The fact that one of the parents of this class was Rosa fedtschenkoana, which due to its disgusting smell is not affected by diseases and is not damaged by pests. For a long time I was not a fan of cilantro – its aroma reminded me of a crushed bug-turtle, what is there sympathy…
In fairness, it should be noted that today Coriandrum sativum cilantro leaves become the most consumed green culture in the world, confidently overtaking parsley and dill. Having tasted cilantro, I really discovered the richness of its fresh taste and aroma.
Twins with a very unpleasant smell
Such plants in nature are not so much, but their smell can cause quite a strong aversion, and sometimes nausea. Among them – already known to many Dictamnus gymnostylis. The essential oils they give off smell of gasoline, and touching the plant causes burns.
Unpleasant and the smell of the whole plant Phuopsis stylosa from the family Rubiaceae.
Even if you accidentally touch it (not to mention that. to break or grind into your palms raw materials), you’ll hear it unpleasant “fragrance.” As a rule, it is no longer possible to feel the pleasant orange aroma of its inflorescences behind its veil.
One-to-one copies it the smell of Fritillaria imperialis ‘Raddeana’.
They are echoed by the deciduous shrub Clerodendrum bungei of the Verbenaceae family.
On the review of plants with unusual smells came to an end.
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