Markers for plants are a useful thing, there is no doubt, it’s not for nothing that we come back to this topic from time to time. For the most part, attention is focused on the practicality of labels — so that they do not get wet, do not break, do not rot for at least one season, and a reasonable cost. But does it really matter which signs you will have to look at for a good six months — boring, purely informative or original and cute? I propose to urgently correct the situation and right now choose the most beautiful markers for your beds!
Absolutely all the proposed options can really be made with your own hands from available materials. True, some will still require a certain amount of skill, but this is a difficult matter, right? So what can you make the most beautiful and original markers for our beds from? We look and choose!
From ice cream sticks
Sticks are an excellent preparation for all sorts of cute crafts, including markers. It will take a little more time to make the houses, and the signs can be made quickly! If there is no paint on wood, and the desire to start working immediately is irresistible, markers, egg paint or nail polish will help out. Of course, there probably won’t be enough varnish for 60 varieties of tomatoes, but even one bottle will help you to wait until you buy paint without a nervous breakdown.
You can draw vegetables or herbs on sticks. And no matter how realistic the image is, the markers will still be charming, look!
Pruning of slats and bars
It is always a pity to throw away the remnants of building materials. Take a closer look at these ideas: the tags are made of small scraps that are difficult to find another use for. And if your spouse gives you a broken bamboo rod, which he keeps for some unknown reason for several years, your beds will be decorated with exotic markers!
After pruning, there are a lot of beautiful smooth twigs that the hand does not rise to send to the fire or to the garden chopper. After simple manipulations, they will find a second life in a new role.
Plastic, of course, is more durable, but wooden ones still look better on the beds, you will agree. However, the choice is always yours. A wonderful express option, especially if you do not bother yourself with coloring.
Even if you have never held a wood burner in your hands, get used to it quickly, I’m sure. Do not despair, if you do not have this useful device, make inscriptions with felt-tip pens, gel or ballpoint pens.
Wooden spoons
After practicing burning out on the saw blades, you can make a chic set of wooden blanks for spoons and shovels. By the way, a great idea for a gift to a summer resident or a small business organization. Why, I would buy such a nice set!
Do you want to make the labels brighter? Then pay attention to these options: everything is good in its own way — both painted clumsily, and by the artist’s hand, and simply painted.
Made of metal cutlery
There are a lot of ideas for various markers from spoons, forks and knives, but I took a minimum. The simplest ones are coloring and application. In the photo on the left, the spoons were first beaten with a mallet to make them flat, but you can skip this stage.
I really liked the garden signs with beautiful inscriptions on metal, but it’s probably not a task for amateurs to make such ones. I don’t even know how they are made — engraving, etching, cliches? Any of them is definitely not for me, so I will limit myself to contemplation.
However, if making an inscription on metal is not a problem for you, you can move away from the standards and make markers in the form of leaves instead of spoons.
Or on any metal objects that will look beautiful on the beds.
From cans
In my opinion, the plates made of tin are impeccable: they are durable, easy to make and fast, the material is affordable, they look stylish!
If you liked this idea, here are some cute options for inspiration.
Neatly trimmed bottoms of cans can also be adapted for tags. Tin cans will eventually be touched by rust, but this will only make them more original.
There is no desire to bother with cutting, take lids for blanks or from tin cans (coffee, tea, etc.). Bright drawings of vegetables can be printed on a printer or cut out of bags with seeds. An option for greenhouses or greenhouses: in the open ground, the sun and rain will quickly erase the image.
However, there are also more durable options, and very extravagant ones.
Stone placers
A great option for those who are endowed with artistic talent — they are only happy to make as many such markers as they want.
There will certainly be no problems with the material: we certainly have plenty of stones. Moreover, we regularly bring a bucket or two from the sea, as if there are not enough of our own.
If you successfully choose the shape, the similarity with real vegetables will be amazing! And you can focus on the color — it’s also not bad.
Anyone who is not very confident holding a brush in their hands (I also include myself), I advise you to limit yourself to simple ideas. They also look cute and original.
Well, or just write the name of the variety beautifully on a brick or a large stone and calmly put it on the bed. And if someone decides to make fun of such a nondescript marker, tell dunno about a very popular and fashionable rustic style.
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