For summer residents, spring is not only a time of fresh joy from the sight of green leaves in the garden, the singing of birds, new plans and hopes. This is a time of active activity, including the protection of fruit trees from pests.
There are many effective and ingenious methods of dealing with unwanted guests in the garden.
But now we will talk about a simple way to keep pests out of the fruit tree. We need the long-known veterinary drug creolin, which has been used for more than 100 years to treat animals from parasites. You can buy it at the pharmacy.
Creolin-a long-known remedy
Little information
Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects
A drug for the treatment of animals and disinfection of livestock premises. Creolin bezugolny has an effect on the causative agents of psoroptosis of sheep( goats), has a long-term residual effect on the skin and hair. It also has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida.
Creolin bezugolny by the degree of exposure to the body of animals belongs to the moderately dangerous substances.
What you need to do
You need to take 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil and add 2 ml of creolin. Mix thoroughly.
With the resulting substance, brush the lower part of the tree trunk to a height of 20-30 cm (7.9-11.8 inches), thus obtaining the semblance of a falconer’s belt: in the sun, the oil thickens, turns into a sticky mass, and creolin acts intimidatingly.
Brush handle the lower part of the tree trunk
Thus, creeping pests can not get into the crown of the tree. This method is good and helps with aphids, because, as you know, it is carried by ants and placed on young twigs.
By the way, even the spruce branches did not help to protect themselves from mice. The rodents made burrows in the snow near the trunk and ate the bark to the full height of the snow layer. And the snow we had that winter was deep, more than a meter.
This spring, all the bark I ate was smeared with an aqueous creolin emulsion, and after the juice movement, there was already creolin in sunflower oil.
This fall, in preparation for winter, I will again anoint the trunks and skeletal branches of all its seedlings with creolin. And then I’ll tie the branches together with a rope and tie them to the pegs so that the snow won’t hurt them.
How do you protect your fruit trees from pests? Share it with us in the comments.
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