In this article I will share with you the ideas of country decor and elements of garden design that you can make with your own hands. It is very interesting to engage in such creativity with children. I will begin, perhaps, with the most important, in my opinion: with the creation of original flower beds.
Unusual flower beds made of improvised materials
We will create beauty from what is available. In unusual flower beds and flower beds of improvised material and plant there your favorite flowers. I will not go into detail in the technology of creating unusual flower beds – everything is clearly shown in the photos.
Miniature flower bed “Swan”
On a country lawn the beautiful swan sat down to have a rest and there and remained. This small flower bed is made of an ordinary car tyre, painted with white acrylic paint.
A few more options flowerbeds of tires, which will not be difficult to do with their own hands: orange, red, yellow.
Flower bed under a tree
This Grand flower bed is arranged inside the masonry, looks impressive and respectable. The figured stone is slightly deepened into the ground and fastened with cement mortar. Beautiful flower bed, but one drawback is still there: there will be able to live only shade-loving plants, because, you know, under the spreading crown of the tree the sun they can not see.
And here is a similar flower bed under a young seedling, made of halves of wooden chocks. Great idea! While the tree grows up, it is possible to plant beautiful annual flowers under it.
Beast unprecedented
If your nerves are all right, make it your own hands easier. Here we have used cut down a tree, one face of which is turned into the nose with delicately carved nostrils.
Eyes are made of mosaic, which fears neither the heat nor the wind; the role of the eyebrows and fur perform low-growing hardy perennials. Such crafts do not Shine with bright beauty, but very original.
New life of old typewriter
The old typewriter got a second life in the suburban area. An interesting idea, but to grow in such extreme conditions can be very unpretentious plants.
Crafts from mosaic with your own hands
Flower beds and flower beds — not all that can create their own hands savvy summer resident. Just look how beautiful look at the cottage crafts from the mosaic with their hands.
Abstraction from mosaic
Beautiful mini-sculpture of stone-glass masonry, where the role of elements of the mosaic are white rounded stones and glass. However, this abstraction would be more appropriate against the background of the water landscape: a pond or a stream.
A beautiful butterfly sat down to rest in the shade of a spreading tree.
This craft is made on a plywood base, lined with colored glass in the form of rainbow pattern butterfly wings. Glass is planted on a heavy-bodied paint, and top coated with colorless acrylic lacquer. On the reverse side plywood is treated with drying oil and painted with water-resistant and frost-resistant paint. The antennae are made of copper wire, the body is made of steel tape, and the eyes are made of black stones.
Bench-flower beds
Very interesting building: a bench for rest, the bottom of which is line9d with mosaic tiles, the seat is made of painted edged boards, and the top is decorated with a low flowerbed with bumpers, also decorated with mosaics.
Pieces of a mosaic are laid out on a basis with a certain pattern and fixed on a cement mortar. From afar, such a structure looks like an Eastern tent, especially when flowers bloom on the flower bed.
Border for beds
Here the summer resident with his own hands builds a bed with a border, lined with mosaics. As a basis the long strip of thick rubber put in in in advance dug shallow trench is used.
Having strengthened a rubber cloth bricks on the one hand, the garden earth — on the other, it is necessary to fill in a cement solution. On the drying layer effectively spread flat stones, pre – painted with acrylic paint. A simple and beautiful solution.
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