Another may flower exhibition of the Nikitsky Botanical garden — the exhibition of clematis-invites visitors to look into one of its wonderful corners, which is located across the bridge from the cactus greenhouse, on the territory of a small site called “Paradise garden”.
Here is the real Kingdom of clematis, where he pompously climb to the numerous support screens, demonstrating the luxury of flowering the best varieties. More than 90 species and varieties of clematis: from the old classics to modern innovations, from different garden groups show their gorgeous “floral gown”.
Raspberry flowers Terry varieties ‘Purpurea Plena Elegance’ bloom slowly, as if offering to enjoy the anticipation of their beauty, and for a long time retain a decorative look.
Beautiful large crimson red flowers of the variety ‘Ernest Markham’.
Widely known large-flowered cultivar ‘Victoria’ blooms profusely in the summer.
Luxury grade ‘Lucie Lemoine’.
Among the clematis that are present at the exhibition there are varieties that have received high marks and awards at international competitions: ‘Crystal Fountain’, ‘Jan Pawel II’, ‘Polish Spirit’, ‘Piilu’.
Extremely refined sort of ‘Polish Spirit’.
Compact variety ‘Piilu’ has two flowering periods: in early summer flowers partially shaggy, in the end – simple.
Opens the flowering of clematis in April, the evergreen ‘C. Armandii’.
В мае наступает время цветения ‘C. Montana’ и его розовой вариации ‘C. montana var. rubens’.
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