Let’s talk about benches, without which no cottage can do. The principle of construction has remained the same since prehistoric times, but the materials have undergone a significant change. From the huge variety of options to choose the right is not easy. Therefore, consider the different designs and materials. As a rule, benches consist of several parts: a seat, a back, a support.
Pay attention to the supports
Rather, the materials from which they are made.
Steel supports
Most often welded pipes of square or round shape of different sections. Modern metal processing allows to avoid corrosion. Often this design includes forged elements that make a certain highlight in the design of the bench.
The disadvantages of this type of support, many gardeners include rapid wear of elements in constant contact with environmental conditions. In my opinion, this is not considered a disadvantage, because the service life of such benches exceeds 15 years, new technologies allow the metal even after contact with moisture not covered with rust. The advantage of this option is an acceptable cost and a huge selection of shapes and sizes.
Cast-iron supports
The heaviest and most durable, so they are often chosen for Park benches and other public places. In addition to high aesthetic qualities, they are durable. But are expensive.
Concrete support
Concrete seems to be too boring. It is believed that the benches on such supports are also characterized by massiveness, but this is not always the case. For example, a very unusual looks this variant of sticks and concrete.
Supports made of natural stone (granite)
Perfectly combined with similar elements of the cottage (stone finish Foundation structures, tiled paths). Benches on such pillars will live forever.
Due to the peculiarities of work on the stone, this type of supports does not have a large range of design solutions. The downside can only be called a large cost. Not only supports can be made of stone, but also the whole bench.
Supports aluminium
Such supports will not rust, they are valuable and expensive due to the cost of the metal itself. Aluminum is very plastic, so you can give the support the most unusual shape. In my opinion, the metal’s lightness is a definite plus for country benches.
Wooden support
Quite often used in the manufacture of garden benches: the material is cheap and affordable, fits perfectly into the landscape.
But do not forget that the wood is susceptible to damage (can swell, rot, be affected by fungi and insect pests) and requires special care.
I have listed the main types of supports that have proven themselves on the market for a long time. Of course, there are other, more exotic and rare options: plastic, Plexiglas, natural glass. But they are worse fit into the natural environment, fragile and short-lived. The choice, of course, is yours.
Materials for the back and seat of the benches
Here the choice is not so wide.
The most common benches with a seat and a back made of wood.Most often used for their manufacture:
- pine or spruce. The Board size of these breeds should be 35Ñ…60 to bench looked attractive and was durable.
- larch. This breed is resistant to rotting: it is not afraid of rain, frost or scorching sun. But it is expensive, so rarely used.
To reduce the cost of benches, cheaper hardwood trees are used in production.
The most affordable material: lightweight and mobile, convenient in the family where there are children. Such benches, undoubtedly, are hardy and a little subject to damage from weather conditions, but not always will fit into a landscape, can look “cheap”. Recently become popular benches made of plastic, stylized wood or metal.
This bench is designed for weight about 200 kg. At the expense of the original performance will easily fit into the interior of the country.
Benches sheet steel
The solution of problems with corrosion of metal allows to realize the most unusual ideas of garden benches.
A bench in the garden
Bench in the country-is not only part of the landscape design, but also a place of rest, so it should be comfortable, functional, made of high-quality materials that meet the tastes of the owners and the environment. Let’s look at different ideas for the design of garden benches.
Bench for giving can serve as a place surrounded by flowers and beautiful vines. Such functions are under the power of a bench with a pergola.
Benches made of logs embody a harmonious combination of natural materials with the surrounding space. Often all garden furniture is made in the same style.
If funds are not enough, but there are remains of logs, you can use them to your advantage.
The plastic bench in the form of a bright green leaf will not be afraid of changeable weather, will not turn yellow and will not fly away with autumn winds.
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