If the summer resident defined the tool and stock for winter storage by all rules, to worry to it there is nothing – everything will be all right. Well, if you threw his faithful assistants to fend for themselves, left without protection and shelter — the result is a deplorable. In any case, I suggest you to conduct a spring inventory, because it is better now to check the tools than in the middle of the season to come to your senses that you do not have a working shovel.
Without universal round-pointed spade no cottager be able to do. Dig a bed, prepare a landing pit, uproot the stump — without it anywhere. Another interesting lesson is to dig up the wormhole. It is absolutely useless (to get the mole is unlikely to succeed), but very, very exciting. I saw with my own eyes how quite respectable summer residents, covered with hunting excitement, in a few minutes shoveled an impressive plot of the garden. And for digging holes when planting trees and shrubs, as well as when installing poles under the fence, it is convenient to use a rectangular bayonet shovel.
Have bayonet shovels have sisters: shovels (also preferably in the farm have) and snow (will come in handy if you spend time at the cottage in the winter).
Check readiness for operation
Taking a shovel from the winter links pay attention to the sharpness of the blade — some craftsmen for sharpening enough ordinary file, others use a grinder. But with a modern spade large manufacturer the treatment must be a little bit different: if she has a hardened edge (this is necessary to ask in shop at purchase), the sharpening tool is not subject. Yes, and do not need sharpening such shovels, as the sharpness of the blade will not lose very long.
If you find on the canvas light rust formed over the winter, do not try to eliminate it — in the process of digging the garden it will come down by itself. But with a seriously rusted shovel will have to say goodbye. To regain the smoothness of her is unlikely.
To shovel survived until spring, you need to take care of this in the fall. Cleanliness is important for everyone: for a person it is the key to health, and for tools — the guarantor of a long life. Therefore, a thorough autumn cleaning of dust and dirt is a prerequisite. Metal parts before laying on storage should be lubricated with engine oil or grease, wood — any vegetable oil. Important note: rubberized areas of the handles should not be lubricated, it can spoil them.
The fork is a multipurpose tool. They can dig beds, dig potatoes (carrots, beets and other root crops), throw hay into stacks, pierce the turf of the lawn. Of course, it’s a matter of habit, and many probably more convenient to use the shovel, but will voice my opinion: dense black soil (especially wet) dig a fork is much easier and faster. Not always we have the opportunity to wait for the right weather and favorable conditions for work, so I’m not one wooden stalk ruined, trying to turn out a lump of land more.
Rightly judging, that I will not do, I decided to get a new fork with a metal handle. This tool is durable, just will not break. I must say, I am very happy with them, and the sellers of wooden cuttings in our market in sadness — lost a regular buyer.
Check readiness for operation
The rules of preparation for the winter are the same as for shovels. If you store the fork in a vertical position, the teeth should definitely be facing the wall, if horizontal — to the floor. It is desirable to determine them in the farthest corner, so as not to offend accidentally — a very dangerous tool. If in the spring you find on the wooden handle of the crack, it is better to replace it, since the irregularities on the surface promise no unnecessary calluses. But small burrs and bullies, which appeared during the winter, can be eliminated with the help of fine sandpaper, designed for final polishing.
Heavy rake with sharp metal teeth is convenient to break the clods after digging or planting potatoes. Convenient, but difficult — long wave. Despite this, these rake in any sector need. The main thing is not to forget about the insidiousness of the garden tool. I always thought that the rake only clumsy — well, how can you not notice them?! And also come one day… there was no one to blame — she put the rake there. It hurt so much that sparks and tears fell from his eyes. So severe rake temper remembered for a lifetime, I hope the second lesson is not required.
Check readiness for operation
All the major gardening tool, and a rake in the first place (because of their very real potential for injury), so better just not to throw in the barn, and to keep the precautions. Variations of storage systems great variety: from fixtures on the wall, to the floor of the drawer with the slots.
If the rake rusted during the winter, try to walk WD-40. This anti-corrosion agent, usually used in car repair shops, perfectly helps to bring garden tools to the divine look. Spray it on a rusted surface, wait and wipe with a cloth — rust will come off.
Fan rake
To work such a miracle-rake is a real pleasure, which 20 years ago summer residents could not even dream of. Convenient, practical: and comb the lawn, and collect hay, and rake the fallen leaves — for all good. I like these — with adjustable width and the distance between the teeth. It’s convenient. And the nature of their light, not what some…
Check readiness for operation
Rust fan rake rarely, but bent teeth — a burning problem. If in the spring you find that the tool is folded and not straightened as needed, there is only the right way — to go for a new store. Any attempt to straighten thin teeth will be a temporary measure. To work at the dacha with such a tool you can not for long, since after straightening the teeth become more brittle. So my advice to you: if you find defects in the fan rake, do not skimp and immediately go for new ones. And take care of the new ones like the Apple of your eye.
Hoes and plows
In the hands of an experienced summer resident, skilled in various field work, hoe can be almost anything. It can be loosened by weeding, hoe, dig shallow pits or trenches, to break the clods, to tilt the branches with the ripe apples or plums, raking weeding the grass. And it can be used as a tool of intimidation for stray dogs on the site. Spotted: cats afraid of the broom, and dog chopper.
Check readiness for operation
In autumn, the choppers and pliers had to be washed and wiped dry, the metal parts were treated with a lubricant, and the wooden parts with vegetable oil. Plastic handles do not need additional treatment, it is enough to clean them from dirt, wash and dry thoroughly. If everything was done correctly, then in may you will just have to get your favorite tool. Only pre-he will need to regain the sharpness that the work was progressing well.
What exactly should never be done — is to treat the wooden surface varnish. After covering the tools look simply divine — beautiful, sparkling, as if just from the store. However, after a while the layer of applied varnish will start to crack. To work with such a hoe you will not be able, the varnish will hurt your hands even through gloves. If you want this season to update the tool, I can recommend treating it with linseed oil, previously polished with emery paper. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.
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