You are waiting for guests and want to decorate the table smartly. It is not so important, there will be a holiday in the house or on the street-table compositions will give any situation a festive, solemn look.
The strongest traditions of decorating the house with flowers, perhaps, have developed in England. Until the middle of the XIX century, all dishes (snacks, hot) were served on the table at the same time and cleaned together with the tablecloth before dessert, which was served already on the uncovered table. And only with the advent of tradition, when each dish is served by servants, and the tablecloth “lives” to dessert, it became possible to decorate the edge of the table with flowers.
In the Victorian era, which was characterized by spacious rooms, high table compositions became fashionable. They were impressive structures, profusely decorated with ferns, ivy, and flowers. In the center of the table usually towered monumental compositions, on four sides from them-flowers in vases; in intervals on the perimeter stood small bouquets, and tablecloth decorated with garlands.
All this splendor was created by the hands of gardeners and specially hired masters; in houses modest floral arrangements pleased guests the hostess herself. But United all, regardless of the level of wealth, the tradition to use flowers for arrangements mainly from their own garden.
The custom of decorating holidays with flowers from the garden is still preserved in every English house. Today, the modest size of our homes and the increased intensity of life require more chamber, easy to perform compositions, but they should still be admirable. A new trend in the interior-the connection of the dining room, living room and kitchen-forced to move flowers to coffee and coffee tables, but left them an indispensable element of the decor of the holiday table.
It is believed that the composition on the table at which the guests sit should not exceed 25 cm. at the same time, its dimensions should correspond to the size of the table and not occupy more than 1/5 of its surface. However, it will be better if the size of the compositions do not exceed 20 cm — then you will be sure that the guests during the Banquet will not pull out parts of the compositions that interfere with them. The minimum height should not be less than 10-15 cm, otherwise your composition will simply be lost for snacks.
If the table is long enough, it is better to make a few small compositions, combining them with some light plant material: shoots of hops, wild grapes, periwinkle, cattail leaves or iris. Looks great ivy, which will have to borrow in the winter garden.
If you still have a desire to exceed the maximum permissible parameters, you can put flowers in tall narrow vases or on stands that will not interfere with the interlocutors, and arrange the flowers at a height, leaving a free interval from 30 to 50 cm, so that guests can see each other and communicate freely.
The Central flower arrangement should correspond to the General serving, and on style and color to be combined with ware on a table. It is necessary to consider the color of tablecloths, table linen, “skirts” covering the legs of tables, etc. Take into account also the parameters of the interior: room size, ceiling height, lighting, its character, time of the day.
Colors, depending on the lighting and time of day can vary greatly, and if you neglect the laws of color and light, your work will be spoiled, and you will not get the effect you expected. So, it is necessary to be very careful when working with incandescent lamps: under them warm orange-yellow colors are strongly allocated, blue becomes gloomy, white “discolors”, disappears. Will change color of and under candlelight: red, Royal, orange are getting warmer, “are manifest”, green becomes softer.
As for the time of day, it affects the choice of colors and related materials: in the morning, the choice falls mainly on simple and bright flowers, up to the field, and simple accessories. Gold and silver ribbons, rhinestones, sequins, pearls are not used if it is not a wedding. In the second half of the day, more textured flowers are used, coloristics is based on nuances. It is possible to Shine and luxurious accessories with the use of crystal “tears” on the leaves. There will be appropriate gold and silver ribbons, beads, pearls.
It is also important to correspond to the event: for special occasions, it is possible to use magnificent ceremonial flowers. Good exotic orchids, anthuriums, which for such a case can be cut from home potted plants, if flowering coincides with the celebration.
If the holiday is celebrated in the country, and you sit with guests in a summer gazebo, in a relaxed atmosphere fry kebabs, you can stop at the simple flowers. Will fit any garden: monarda, anemone, as placeholders — stonecrops, eringium. Some annuals will be good: zinnias, marigolds. Always appropriate and a variety of fruits: apples, berries.
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