On gloomy rainy autumn and gray winter days, you want to plunge into the bright summer atmosphere of a blooming garden. It is a pity that in many regions the flowering time is short, but it does not matter! A composition of dried flowers, which is easy to make with your own hands, will help to cheer up.
Many residents of country houses specially grow plants that subsequently look good in a dried form and decorate the plot all winter. But gardeners usually plant various immortelles, shrubs, lunarias, lagurus and other suitable flowers and herbs to create dry bouquets in urban apartments.
We offer a small master class on making a composition of dried flowers. To do this, you will need a suitable container. It can be a vase, pots, a mug, a beautiful basket-it all depends on your imagination and style. In our case, a low vase of the original shape is chosen. In addition, you will need scissors, flower foam and dried flowers.
Everything you need to compose a composition
First, you need to place a sponge-base in the prepared container. Flower foam is very easy to cut, so it’s easy to give it the desired shape. Our vase and the blank are close to each other without much effort.
The briquette was well suited to the shape of the vase
According to the rules of composition, first of all, you need to find a place for the largest elements. We have chosen immortelle flowers for this purpose. Place them according to the idea.
Place a large immortelle
It is good if there are contrasting elements on the track. In our case, these are rounded-convex rudbeckia testes of almost black color.
Contrasting elements
Then vertical accents are placed — spike-shaped inflorescences of Western rudbeckia. The vacant seats are decorated with pale pink heather flowers, which enliven the composition very much.
Vertical accents and heather twigs are placed
It remains to add the “icing on the cake” – fluffy lagurus buds. These elements will be the highest in the composition. When working with lagurus, the main difficulty lies in the fact that its stem is very thin and quite rigid, so very careful handling is required with it.
Add Lagurus
It remains to look at the result and, if necessary, decorate the empty spaces with small flowers.
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