Scilla belongs to the family of Asparagus, although earlier it was referred to as Lilein or Hyacinth.
Growing scilla
Scilla landing
Thanks to its unpretentiousness, Scilla is a welcome guest in alpine hills, rockeries and all kinds of flower gardens.
Many use Scilla for forcing under the New Year, planting onions in pots with drainage, leaf peat, fertile land and large river sand.
As I already said, Scilla is picky, loves neutral or slightly acidic soils, rich in leaf peat and rich in humus.
Does not like swampy places, the soil should be loose and wet. It is better to plant this plant in the shade, but in the lighted areas the forest will also grow.
Scilla breeding
It is necessary to collect Scilla seeds when the boxes turn yellow and begin to crack (this is somewhere the end of June). After harvesting, they should immediately be sown in the ground, since their germination is very low.
After a few years Proleski bloom. And it is desirable to leave them in one place for about 5 years, so that the plant multiplies the stalks and forms more plants.
During the growing season, an adult bulb gives an average of about 2 children. When the foliage of Scilla dies away (June), safely put the children into the ground to a depth of about 3 cm and at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Scilla has self-seeding. Therefore, if you find it in the wrong places after the snow melted, do not be surprised.
Scilla care
Scilla does not require special care, but if in the early spring before flowering it is fed with nitrogen and potash fertilizers, it will be better to bloom and multiply. In the first year of Scilla you need to cover for the winter, especially if you put it in the open. Recommendations on the shelter of bulbs can be found in the article.
If you need to transplant or divide the plant, then try to do it no earlier than 3 years. Scilla planted at first is watered and loosened the surface of the soil, it is possible to mulch to maintain moisture and no weeds.
Scilla species
Scilla bifolia
When the garden is just awakening from sleep, Scilla bifolia begins to bloom. She pleases the eye with blue, white, pink flowers. It blooms in the second half of April and lasts about 2 weeks. It is a low plant (up to 15 cm) with 3 peduncles, on which, like stars, about 15 flowers are scattered.
Scilla rosenii
In late April, Scilla rosenii blooms. Bright green leaves wrapped around the stem.
Scilla autumnalis
There are species that can not part with gardeners even in the fall, for example Scilla autumnalis. It blooms at the beginning of August. The flowers are blue with purple edges, but more often lilac-blue.
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