When I saw gloxinia for the first time, I immediately fell in love with this interesting plant. I hope you will also like this beauty.
Every spring I grow new varieties of gloxinia from seeds bought in the store. And I propagate my home gloxinia in a not quite usual way. That’s what I want to tell you about.
My method of reproduction of domestic gloxinia
It’s simple: I take a transparent plastic container from under the cakes, pour a layer of vermiculite 3-5 cm thick on the bottom, moisten it and put the gloxinia tubers on top without sinking them into the vermiculite.
Then I close the container with a transparent lid and put it on the windowsill. Every day I ventilate the “greenhouse”, and on cloudy days I illuminate the plants with an ordinary table lamp. After 2 weeks, gloxinia tubers will not be recognized! They germinate all at the same time and much faster than in a pot with earth. Moreover, these tubers have time to grow good roots.
After that, I plant the gloxinia seedlings in separate pots, without shaking the roots from the vermiculite. From my own experience, I know that only one growth point should be left in gloxinia, the rest must be broken out (by the way, broken sprouts can also be rooted).
The fact is that extra growth points will begin to slow down the development of plants, their leaves will be small, and flowering will be scarce.
How to prepare the soil for planting gloxinia
I prepare the soil for planting myself: I mix garden soil, humus, sand, vermiculite and charcoal. At the same time, I thoroughly warm up the earth and sand in the oven beforehand.
A month after transplanting the plants into separate pots, I feed them with diluted complex fertilizer. I also spray with a regulator and a broad-spectrum adaptogen and a biological immunostimulator, a root-forming agent, a flowering inducer, which are obtained from plant raw materials (usually in the evening when the sun sets). I do these procedures once every two weeks, from April to September.
In October, I send the tubers to rest directly in pots (I keep them under the bed), occasionally inspect and water. In the spring, the plants wake up, and the life of gloxinia continues again.
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