In the turmoil of our rapidly changing world, a small oasis of private villas is pure luxury. Here you can hide from the noisy city, relax in peace and quiet, here hard physical labor does not bring fatigue and only joy, especially when you see the man-made fruits of your labor. Many gardeners turn their cottage into a small eden, creating with their own hands an unusually beautiful and original landscape design. After all, even a modest and rather neglected plot can be arranged so that it will be fabulous.
The funny thing is that many people think that creating landscape design is very difficult and inaccessible to them. But at the same time, they actively build gazebos, break lawns, build flower beds, plant exotic plants, pave garden paths, decorate the banks of ponds and even build very original alpine slides, without suspecting that they are already creating the landscape with their own hands.
In addition, no one bothers to look at the techniques of creating a particular element of the landscape on the Internet. And by showing a remarkable imagination, applying your work and generously giving your love, you can create a really cozy and beautiful place where you can feel a living soul and your own understanding of aesthetics and beauty. No need to follow someone else’s rules or use boring cliches. Create beauty in the country “for yourself”, taking into account your own floral preferences.
Where to start?
Whether you like it or not, a dacha plot is almost always associated with numerous green spaces. Of course, harmful weeds can also play this role, but it is aesthetically pleasing to ennoble the cottage with neat lawns, colorful flower beds, and, if the structure of the plot allows, an alpine slide. For many novice gardeners, creating a landscape with their own hands begins with the arrangement of the lawn, because lawn grass is hardy and requires minimal care. It’s nice to create grass with your own hands, on which you are tempted to walk barefoot, and lie down, enjoying its softness. The lawn gives the whole plot a certain order, a sense of calm and comfort, hides the broken line and obscures the visual landscape.
A lawn is all very well, but any garden without flowers is boring and impersonal. Plant flowers! Arrange beautiful flower beds, think through the forms. It can be any flower: round, oval, square, multi-faceted, custom-made or made from suitable materials.
Look at these photos, how original you can arrange flower beds in the garden.
Just before planting your flower garden, decide on its location, having studied in advance the features of each plant that is going to be planted. In addition, you can equip beautiful hanging baskets for flowers, provide them with high vases. Or land in the most unexpected execution)
For many gardeners, a favorite attribute of the site is a slide, which is able to create the illusion of a panel made of natural stone with beautiful flowers. The main thing — do not be afraid to experiment. An excellent solution for the bottom will be unpretentious plants, such as thyme, edelweiss and various types of perennial cloves.
But from above, you should plant sun-loving and drought-resistant plants or undemanding evergreen shrubs.
Except that it looked natural, and not like a pile of hastily thrown stones with stunted, barely breaking through the plants. To do this, try to feel the structure of the stone, to hear its “voice” that breaks the external silence. And then you will succeed.
Ponds in the landscape
Water gurgles, runs, a small waterfall roars, and a gentle fountain throws crystal splashes around it. Do you understand the picture? Go ahead, experiment, build ponds with your own hands, because water promotes peace, calms, refreshes and attracts. But the lack of a natural pond or stream on your property that you can improve is no reason to be sad. There are many ways to decorate small ponds that do not require large investments.
To create a very small fun mini-pond, you can even limit yourself to an ordinary acrylic bath. And for the organization of such a small reservoir, as in the photo above, it is enough to dig a small hole, fill the bottom with a layer of sand and/or stones and strengthen the reservoir around the perimeter. Go ahead, fantasize, using the full potential of your cottage! You may want to ennoble the pond with a cascade, build a decorative bridge or make a conclusion under the stream. All these nuances you should consider in advance.
Landscape creative with your own hands
To add a “zest” and a joyful fun element to the landscape of your site, make a variety of creative elements.
This can be interesting garden furniture, a carved gazebo, a variety of arches, special lighting or funny garden figures: funny gnomes, butterflies and other animals.
Such products, created with their own hands, look beautiful in the cottages of our masters.
In addition, your molds can act as bird feeders, lamps, and plant holders. The frame can be made of thick wire by gluing it with a thinner wire in the right places. In the lower part of the figure is reinforced with a strong metal mesh, there is filled with drainage material (sand, pebbles, stones). Then the finished structure is filled with a mixture of soil. Everything is the basis for the green cover and your drawing is ready.
And then turn on the creative idea: how do you make a shape? You need to choose eyes, nose, “skin” (if an animal) or clothing (if a small person). This can be achieved by using plain or variegated plant seeds and various improvised materials. The first time you may not succeed — do not worry, try, experiment, and success will come!
Yes, of course, all this may seem complicated, you can always attract professionals who will bring your ideas to life for a lot of money. But don’t you want your cottage to be turned into something like a museum? It is much more pleasant to see the results of your own work, embodied in every lovingly planted plant, in every homemade lamp, garden figurine, children’s swing, mini-pond, and so on. These creations are the story of your creativity, vivid imagination and work. So is it worth depriving yourself of this pleasure?
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