Despite the fact that “progress has reached unprecedented wonders”, we continue to use some tools that have not changed much since the time when our ancestors ran through the woods in outfits made of skins. In addition to the ancient, but popular to this day invention relates and the axe.
The axe was one of the first tools to appear in the history of mankind. Since ancient times, it has served us faithfully in everyday life, helping us to perform a variety of tasks around the house.
The first axes of the usual type (a chopping blade on the handle) appeared 35-12 thousand years ago, in the upper Paleolithic. In the Eneolithic era, axes with a copper blade appeared, in the bronze age – bronze. But the stone tools were still in use.
Axes were used on all continents. As with many other aspects of ancient life, in the case of the axe, the boundary between the concepts of “tools” and “weapons of war” is very blurred. Depending on the priority purpose and geography, there are many varieties of chopping tools that can be called by one common name – the axe.
Do you know what axes are?
Today, the battle axe is an object of interest for collectors. Therefore, we will not consider all sorts of Tomahawks, peckers, hammers, halberds, Francis and other devices for breaking the skull of opponents in disputes.
Let’s turn our attention to the peaceful modern varieties used in everyday life and construction.
How does an axe work?
The main purpose of the axe is to cut. Therefore, its device is maximally adapted to this type of activity. For the most part, axes are used in various works with wood – from cutting trees and harvesting firewood to construction needs.
Actually, the “axe” is called a metal blade, and the handle is called an axe handle. In the classic form, the axe blade is parallel to the axe handle. The blade, perpendicular to the handle, have highly specialized tools used, for example, by carpenters.
The shape of the blade and butt (the blunt part of the axe opposite the blade) depends on the type of work. The straight-edged blade is designed for slashing blows. The semicircular shape allows you to perform not only chopping, but also cutting blows. In various variations, the weight of the axe, the length and bend of the axe handle also change.
The axe is fixed by means of a metal wedge on the axe handle, which is traditionally made of wood. The axe handle should be light, but at the same time strong. And correctly extinguish the vibration from the impact. Therefore, despite the development of technology, axe handles are still often made of wood. Although there are plastic, fiberglass-reinforced options that are not inferior to wood in their technical characteristics, and in some ways even superior to it. The modern plastic handle reduces the weight of the tool, while remaining strong and reliable.
And how to choose it correctly?
Loggers, carpenters, tourists, and summer residents need different types of axes. How to choose the right axe, and what should you pay attention to when buying? Based on your tasks, determine the type of axe that you need. For productive work, it is important that it has all the necessary functionality. Pay great attention to the quality of the materials from which the tool is made. The blade of a good axe does not bend or notch. A hatchet should sit comfortably in the hand: the correct balance of the tool is not only the key to effective operation, but also safety.
Logger’s axes
There are, for example, varieties of tools designed for felling trees. And, despite the presence of chainsaws, professionals do not abandon traditions: a master with a good axe can compete with the owner of a chainsaw in the speed of felling.
Today, it is customary to distinguish between the Scandinavian and American lumberjack axe – with an elongated axe handle that increases the scope and force of the blow. They differ in shape: the second has a more massive blade.
Although, of course, in any national material culture, not only in Scandinavia and North America, there were forms of axes designed specifically for cutting trees. In addition to large loggers, there are also small axes of loggers, designed for cutting branches.
Hiking or Hiking
A cottager probably won’t need a logger’s axe. But the model of the GARDENA 900V – camping axe, it is useful not only for tourists. It is designed for both traveling and gardening. The axe blade with a special coating prevents friction and optimizes the impact energy. The increased obuh (sledgehammer) allows you to drive the felling wedges.
GARDENA Hiking axe is useful for travelers and motorists. The Hiking axe is a small one-handed axe, perfect for Hiking and other outdoor activities. The weight of the GARDENA Hiking axe (blade) is only 700 grams, and the handle is 34 cm long, because for those who make Hiking trips, every extra kilogram can become critical.
Hunting axes can also be attributed to tourist axes. they are usually slightly larger than tourist axes and are suitable not only for cutting wood, but also for cutting carcasses.
With a camp axe, you can knock down a small tree and split it into logs for a fire. However, if you have to chop a lot of wood, then you will definitely appreciate the convenience of an axe-chopper. The axe has the shape of a massive wedge with a blade sharpening of about 30 degrees, which makes it easier to split even strong knotty chocks.
GARDENA offers two types of cleavers: small (the weight of the metal part of the axe is 1200 grams) and large (2300 grams) – for working with large diameters. The axe blade with a special coating provides less friction and easy splitting of wood. The balance point located close to the axe blade ensures perfect balance and weight distribution.
An axe is an indispensable tool for a carpenter. “The axe is the carpenter’s breadwinner,” says a popular saying. The classic carpenter’s axe has a straight blade and a notch on it for grabbing the handle opposite the cutting edge.
In the old days, master carpenters went to the villages, offering their services in construction, armed with two axes-carpentry and so – called craft. In contrast to the classic carpenter’s axe, the blade has a rounded shape. Craft an axe of small size. It is designed for fine woodwork.
The modern carpenter’s axe is an effective combination of both options: its blade is not straight, but also not as rounded as that of a craftsman.
The universal axe has this name because it is suitable for a variety of jobs. Universal axe will cope with felling small trees, suitable for cutting branches and twigs. It is useful for various work with wood during construction or work in the forest.
The blade geometry is specially designed for various types of wood work. The sledgehammer function (wide butt) allows you to easily and effectively drive the felling wedges. The axe blade has a special coating that provides less friction and easy splitting of wood. A stainless steel cover protects the handle in case of a miss.
The combination of an optimized blade shape and a lightweight ax handle concentrates power at the moment of splitting, ensuring efficient tool use. A plastic axe handle reinforced with glass fiber is much stronger than a wooden one, but its weight is significantly less. The ergonomic shape and special elements made of soft plastic for a comfortable and secure grip allow you to make your work as comfortable as possible.
Butcher’s axe
The ideal axe for butchering carcasses and cutting bones has a very wide straight blade and considerable weight.
If chopping meat for you is not a constant occupation, then the task of preparing ribs for the grill will cope with the usual universal axe.
With the right axe, any work done will not be “axed” at all. Do not save money, because the quality of the axe directly depends on its reliability and efficiency.
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