How to care for the lawn?
Before the first haircut, the height of seedlings should be no more than 10 cm. If there are weeds, then they should be weeded before cutting, standing on plywood and very carefully, so as not to damage the young tender shoots. At the first haircut, cut only the tops (no more than 1.5-2 cm) in order to stop the growth of grass.
The main rules of lawn mowing
- The lawnmower must be sharp!
- Do not mow on wet ground (more plants are pulled out)!
- Never leave the grass!
- After mowing the lawn immediately water!
The second haircut is carried out in compliance with the same rules: the height of the lawn is 10 cm, we cut 1.5-2 cm, i.e. we pinch in order to develop the root system in the first year.
Scheme of cutting the lawn for years
- I year. The third and subsequent haircuts-cut 1/3 of the height of the lawn. It should grow no higher than 9-10 cm, i.e. after mowing the lawn height should be 6 cm.
- II year. —————–//—————
- III year. In the first half of summer, cut to a height of 5 cm, and in the second – to a height of 4 cm. We reached the initial height.
The last mowing of the new lawn – September 10-15, the old-September 15-20. But if the autumn weather is warm for a long time, and the lawn continues to grow, then you can mow later. In a dry autumn, at least once the lawn should be well spilled. The first haircut in spring is very important, after mowing the lawn must be rolled up!
Lawn care throughout the season
Every 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers throughout the growing season. It is advisable to use special fertilizers for lawns.
Mineral fertilizing should be introduced systematically because of their rapid consumption by the root system of herbs. From spring and in the first half of summer 1 time in 2-3 weeks. From the second half of the summer, you need to feed 2 times with chlorine-free phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. The last feeding is on August 10-15. You can only feed when the ground is wet!
Before going into winter (before the last haircut this season), comb the lawn, cut through the turf, aerate, then trim and water. It is very good to cover the lawn for the winter: powder the top with a mixture of peat, sand and garden earth 1-2 cm layer and roll. In winter, in any case, do not pour salt on the tracks!
In March, scatter snow debris on the lawn that formed after cleaning paths and paving. If an ice crust has formed somewhere, break it, otherwise the lawn can’t breathe. After the snow has cleared, clean the lawn well. Then, when the grass dries up, aeration is necessary – piercing with a pitchfork or special flip-flops to a depth of 10-15 cm. My expression “… the lawn will dry up” should be understood as follows: it is aired on top, but the ground is wet inside.
Then (preferably on the same day) add the ground where the lowland, sow the seeds (here you will need the remaining kilogram!) in the lowlands and where there are bald spots, cover the top with earth and roll. So we mended the lawn.
The next day, feed the lawn with mineral fertilizer at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 hundred, then mash with a layer of 1-1. 5 cm with a mixture of peat and sand (in a ratio of 1:1), roll.
The lawn needs to be weeded all season. I would like to focus on two plants-Trifolium and Bellis perennis. Trifolium and garden lawn are incompatible things. You will not be able to arrange a cheerful patch of pink Trifolium on the Playground and a garden lawn in front of the house on one site, because Trifolium “dusts”, and soon it will appear as an uninvited guest in front of your house.
If there is a happy white-pink Bellis perennis on the lawn-urgently take a shovel and dig it up by the root, otherwise this “joy” will quickly go all over the lawn. I don’t like all kinds of herbicides and I don’t use them.
Finally, watering. First, after each haircut; second, as necessary — depending on the weather. The ground should be moist, so that the roots do not dry out.
It’s so difficult! Is there an alternative?
I will say a few words about the roll-up lawn. For him, the preparation of the soil is the same as for a garden lawn. Plus-the fact that it is spread by specialists in a few days; minus-it does not take root well (a complex system of nursing, which depends on many conditions), it does not winter well (like a garden lawn).
The lawn is the most complex element of garden design, as you can see by your own example, and by reading what is written above. Now it is appropriate to ask the question, is there any alternative? Yes, there is!
A natural lawn is something that grows in the garden by itself, is mowed every week from year to year, and winters well. And if you also take care of it, you will get a green trouble-free carpet. On my site, this is the lawn.
First there was a field of dandelions. They began to mow every week, and the composition of the grass began to change – weeds that do not like weekly mowing disappeared, and grasses grew. The dandelions did not completely disappear, so the remaining ones had to be dug up.
After making an analysis of the soil, liming was carried out for the winter. The biggest work was to level the surface – where there were small irregularities, they covered them with earth mixed with sand. Where there were large irregularities, we cut the turf into squares, pulled it out, put it in the shade, leveled the ground, and returned the turf to its place. Then rammed and properly watered. The same should be done if you have a reverse slope (remember, the slope of the lawn must be from the house!).
After two weeks, the lawn must be fed (and before that it should be watered). For haircuts, follow the same rule – cut only 1/3 of the height. There are no such strict rules for watering and fertilizing as for a garden and Park lawn: be guided by the weather conditions, your desire and the state of the lawn.
Before winter, the natural lawn should be mowed, watered and collected all the leaves and debris so that it leaves clean in winter. In the spring, it should be combed, fed, rolled up, if the ground is very swollen, and then… However, you already know what to do.
Sum up
Decorative seeded lawn is a beautiful emerald green, thick, but time-consuming and bad winters.
A natural lawn is something that grows in the garden by itself; mowed every week for several years, thick, beautiful, but not emerald, easy to care for, and winters well.
I wish you a good choice!
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