Winter cold does not recede, the cold season is in full swing, and very soon spring will come with avitaminosis – “friend” of the flu. So the issue of disease prevention and symptom relief is still acute. But do not rush to the nearest pharmacy, chemical drugs should be resorted to only in urgent need and the appointment of a doctor. Remember that our grandmothers themselves were treated with folk remedies, and now the fashion for all natural. There are a lot of immunostimulants from the gifts of nature. And one of them is ginger root.
Ginger contains many essential oils and amino acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, A, E, K, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and sodium. It has long been known that ginger has a pronounced antiviral and antibacterial effect, protects and restores immunity, relieves irritation in the throat and facilitates the removal of sputum from the bronchi.
In cooking there are many recipes – with ginger stew meat and vegetables, bake cakes and biscuits, prepare salads, sauces and marinades… But I will give here 9 delicious recipes in which ginger plays a major role.
1. Ginger tea with citrus juice
Ginger because of its antiseptic and warming qualities is considered one of the most effective means in the prevention and treatment of colds, viral diseases, flu and runny nose. And all citrus fruits are ginger’s best friends and helpers. Do not limit yourself to one lemon – add oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. Can be put in tea, sea buckthorn, or cranberries. Experiment. But remember, because of the pronounced invigorating effect of drinking ginger tea at night is not recommended.
Ginger peel and finely chop or grate. Add mint and pour boiling water, let stand for 5-7 minutes. If you want to keep the vitamin C contained in citrus fruits, then you need to add the juice immediately – let the drink cool to 40ºC. This temperature is optimal for honey, as at high temperatures it loses its healing properties. Once the tea has cooled down a little, pour in the fresh juice of oranges and lemon, add the orange pulp and honey. Before you drink, be sure to let the tea brew.
2. Ginger tea
Universal remedy for all diseases-so called ginger Ayurveda. Try it and you have the power of ancient Indian medicine.
Pour the mixture of spices with boiling water, add the oil. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Then pour in the milk and bring to a boil. Cool, strain through a fine strainer. The resulting amount of tea should be divided into 4 parts and drink during the day. When consuming the drink should be warm. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to each serving.
3. Milk ginger tea
Sharp and warming, this tea will quench hunger and help the sore throat. It can be prepared in advance and take with you in a small thermos.
Boil the water in a saucepan, add the grated ginger. Allow to boil for a minute, then pour in the milk (otherwise it may curdle due to the acid in the fresh ginger). Add tea and spices. Boil over low heat, stirring, 5-7 minutes. The longer the spices will be in hot milk, the more fragrant the tea will be. In the cooled tea, add honey-so it will be tastier and healthier.
4. Fruit and vegetable cocktail with ginger
If you like smoothies, be sure to prepare this drink. If you don’t like too cook, just like you. It is a precious storehouse of vitamins. But still as tasty! And don’t forget about the ginger — and this will come in handy.
Fruits-vegetables need to be cleaned, remove the bones and cut. Beat the pulp in a blender until smooth with water. If you got an old ginger root, it is better not to grind a blender, and grate separately on a grater — so you can separate the dense fibers. Optionally, you can add a little honey.
5. Ginger candies
Lollipops are a great way to relieve sore throat. And they’re just delicious! To prepare this sweet at home is not difficult. And everything that is prepared with your own hands, consider what is done with love.
Pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Slightly boiling, pour lemon juice, add crushed ginger plates and ground cloves. Wait until the mixture begins to slowly boil, reduce the heat to medium. Prepare the caramel until it thickens and acquires a dark amber color. Using a spoon, place the caramel on a cooking Mat or baking paper in small circles. When the lollipops have cooled, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and transfer to a glass jar with a sealed lid.
You can make a “clean” candy” just for the juice of ginger is more pungent to the taste. 250 g of sugar will need about 50 ml of ginger juice and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir the ingredients and simmer until thick. Pour the caramel into molds and allow to cool. Or pour small puddles on the Mat. Put pumpkin or sunflower seeds inside. Lollipops can be made on sticks — it will be pleasant to children.
6. Candied ginger
Tasty and healthy dessert for health. They can be eaten just with tea and add to baked goods, pre-chopped.
Cut the ginger into thin slices, place in a saucepan and pour water so that it completely covers the ginger. Put on the fire and cook for 30 minutes. In the process of cooking all excessive heat will be gone. If you do not like the bitterness of ginger, then this water should be drained. If you like it sharper, then use this broth to make syrup.
Sugar need to take in two times more fluid (i.e. in proportion 2:1). From water with sugar boil the syrup. When it boils, add the boiled ginger. Stir and simmer until the liquid is completely evaporated, stirring constantly. Carefully monitor the process so that nothing is burned. Unparliamentary.
Each ginger petal should be rolled in sugar and put on parchment paper. Once everything is dry, transfer them to a hermetically sealed container of glass. Candied ginger can be stored for 3 months.
7. Marmalade with ginger and lemon
Like candied fruit, homemade marmalade is a useful treat for children and adults.
Heat water (350 ml) with sugar and ginger (spices can be added), boil for 2 minutes, cool to 40ºC and add lemon. Strain into a glass container.
Add agar-agar to the water (200 ml) and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour the dissolved agar-agar into ginger-lemon syrup, mix and pour into a mold, allow to solidify at room temperature. Frozen marmalade cut into cubes, roll in sugar or coconut.
8. Lemon-ginger confiture
This jam is well stored, so it makes sense to prepare it for the future in case of a cold, and just to improve immunity.
Lemons need to be washed thoroughly, cut off the “butt”, cut into thin slices. Cut ginger into petals. Pour the lemon and ginger with sugar, leave overnight in the bowl to let the juice. In the morning, put in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Let it cool. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the lemon and ginger slices will be almost transparent and the syrup, if you drop it on a plate, will not cease to spread. Ready jam pour into jars. Without sterilization, it is better to store in the refrigerator.
9. Carrot soup with ginger
And in completing the curative soup. So many generations with colds and flu drank hot chicken broth. Why not spice up the tradition with an Oriental touch?
In a large pot over low heat, sauté the onion in olive oil until translucent. Add the garlic and ginger and sauté for another few minutes, then just let it cook gently for together with carrots, grated on a grater. Add broth, salt, spices and mix well. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook the soup for about 20 minutes. Half of the soup pour into a high container, grind with a blender and pour back into the pan, stir.
Some useful tips
Keep in mind that in the old ginger fiber is very hard and it does not fix, so you should use the root as young as possible.
Ginger powder from a dry root is sharper in taste and smell sharper. The composition of these two forms of the same product is almost the same, except for the amount of essential oil, which is much less in the powder.
There are ginger and contraindications-doctors do not recommend to use it in extreme heat, hypertensive crises, pregnant women in the later stages, with gastritis with high acidity, with an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and liver cirrhosis.
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