Petunias-amazing creatures, the secret of the charm of which is still not open. Perhaps one of the reasons for popular love – their versatility: with equal success petunias decorate garden beds and city balconies, in both cases will please the lush flowering, if you do not stint on irrigation and fertilizer.
Another undoubted plus in favor of petunias-easy care. And when you consider that varieties and hybrids of different colors every year is becoming more and more, the conclusion is obvious: petunias-the perfect flowers to decorate the suburban area. Interesting ideas of placement are numerous, but we have selected the best of the best: they can be taken as a basis and modified to your taste.
Magic color
Here is where is a boundless room for experimentation with color solution! Pastel and bright, monochrome and colorful-everyone will choose a combination to your taste. Fans of a certain color can safely equip a plain flowerbed – it will look elegant and respectable.
Want more paint? Do not be afraid to spoil the flower garden: in the case of petunias is simply impossible. Feel free to combine incongruous, exceed all permissible norms of color-the result will still be great.
Together more fun
Petunias look very nice in planting with other species (and do not oppress them!), especially good contrast combinations: the shape and color of inflorescences or leaves. Petunia, Cineraria and is a very good composition, where only in moderation and nuance, and contrast.
Delicate romantic compositions are obtained in the classic pink-white-lilac range.
But how good petunias in a colorful flower garden, where the abundance of colors pleases the eye and adjusts to an optimistic mood!
You can look at this method of planting and from an applied point of view – as a tool for color therapy! Attacked melancholy-please come to the session to the flower garden, and it will dissipate in a matter of minutes. And even better – regular preventive contemplation.
If it is possible to settle petunias in the open ground-great! They will be perfect in mixed flower beds, equally successfully performing the role of contrast or background plants.
Alignment to a height of
Perhaps the most popular and effective way of placing petunias-hanging pots: plants without problems tolerate the conditions of a limited amount of soil. In pots will bloom no worse than in the open ground, if you provide them with proper care.
If petunias like everything, they will show themselves in all its glory, and then words are powerless to convey the magic of forms, color saturation and riot of flowering.
Better look how beautiful they are! Looking at the flower caps, it’s hard to believe that the plants are not artificial.
Combinations of colors are endless.
And if you plan to plant petunias with other species, select plants with similar requirements to the conditions of placement and care (soil type, illumination, frequency and volume of watering, fertilizing, and so on).
Another favorite place of residence petunias – balcony boxes.
Of course, balcony-the definition of conditional: boxes can roam around the site, comfortably settling on windowsills, woodpile, fences, railings and any other places chosen by the owner.
Because of the abundance of flowers in Petunia leaves are often not visible, so add a little greenery in the composition does not hurt.
Especially good will ampel: Lysimachia nummularia, Dichondra and any others that are pleasant to your eye.
Neighbors petunias should not be aggressive (constant struggle for place under sun and nutrition certainly not the best way affect decorative plants).
Speaking of a place in the sun: petunias are boldly exploring new spaces – look how deftly they straddled fences!
Advantages of transportable beds
The ideal solution for those who always want something new in the form of giving-petunias in containers. Rearranging the container from place to place, and you get rid of the bored look, and keep fit at the proper level.
Put the pots of petunias by the door.
Will decorate even the most strict stairs, lined up at its base or, if the width allows, conveniently located on the steps.
Blooming petunias magically transform any corner of the garden: a simple grille will instantly turn into an element of stylish decor…
…and an ordinary woodpile will look like a talented designer worked on its design.
Any corner of the garden sparkle with new colors, if you move it a few containers of petunias. By the way, this very corner can be different at least every day, as long as you do not get tired of carrying flower pots.
Do you want to be in the flower Kingdom? With container petunias and such a desire is feasible!
The number of containers is limited only by your desire and the size of the cottage.
Unexpected turn
Graceful clumps of petunias to visually soften the strict border fence of stone.
Behind the lush bushes you can hide functional, but not too attractive curb ribbons or a simple frame garden paths.
Use your imagination!
All ways of placing petunias it’s impossible to list! Just mastered the classics-wall pots…
…restless vacationers immediately taken to Refine the Windows, flowerbeds, arrange vertical flower gardens (the owners of a countryside, take note of this practical option will come in handy!)
Not stopping there, use for landing any capacity-from baskets (looks good and one, and if a lot of them-a magical sight, right?)…
… to his own hammered boxes.
Adorn the lawns stylish blooming amphorae.
Send petunias to voyage on the land on which transport: blooming beauties are equally impressive looking, and expensive stand-forged bike.
And in a real garden wheelbarrow, released on a well-deserved rest.
Do you think this fantasy cottagers exhausted? Wrong! How about that?
Well, if at hand absolutely nothing suitable was not, you can please the usual stump…
… or a leaky teapot: life in a new role will surely be to their taste!
From words to deeds
Surely seen the splendor inspired you to decorate your own garden, and mentally you are already choosing color combinations and looking for the best place for pots. And so you do not have to spend fabulous sums to buy seedlings, we offer to grow petunias from seeds. Believe me, it’s not as difficult as it may seem!
Just follow the recommendations that are tested in practice more than one generation of gardeners, and you will succeed!
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