- Until when can you plant bulbs in autumn?;
- What to do if missed the timing of planting bulbs?;
- Is it possible to plant bulbs in the cold or better to wait until spring?;
- The bulbs were moldy or rotten – to throw away or try to save?;
- At what depth to plant bulbs in the fall?;
- Do I need to remove the bottom of the bulbs of daffodils when planting?;
- Do I need to water the bulbs after planting?;
- Is it worth it to plant the sprouted onions?;
One of the main autumn works in flower beds – planting bulbs. Agree, a rare cottage does without them: after boring frosts tender crocuses, fragrant Hyacinthus and bright tulips seem to us a real miracle. And after all all this beauty practically without leaving grows! I think I will not reveal a terrible secret if I say that most summer residents it comes down to planting.
On the process itself, questions usually do not arise, but what if all the recommended terms of planting bulbs have passed? Throw away the bulbs or still give them a chance-to plant, or better to send to storage until spring? I can say from my own experience: it is a pity to throw it away, it is difficult to store it, especially if there are a lot of bulbs, and there is no basement or cellar. In General, continuous questions to which we will try to find answers.
Until when can you plant bulbs in autumn?
Opinions of experts and summer residents with experience coincided: you can plant as long as the ground is not frozen, about 3-4 weeks before the arrival of stable frosts. With this planting, the bulbs are less likely to be affected by viral and fungal diseases.
From personal experience, I can add that I had to plant tulips and daffodils at -10°C, in December. However, the grooves were prepared in advance, and I covered them with dry earth. During the thaw bulbs took root and bloomed together in the spring.
What to do if missed the timing of planting bulbs?
And again, the verdict of theorists and practitioners is unambiguous – to plant, even if all the recommended terms came out. Bulbous-strong guys, most likely, late planting will not affect their spring flowering in any way. But to organize acceptable storage conditions for small bulbs is very difficult, and not the fact that your efforts will be crowned with success.
Is it possible to plant bulbs in the cold or better to wait until spring?
According to experienced florists, the main condition for successful planting is not frozen ground. That is, it can be covered with a crust of ice, it can catch frost on 1-2 cm, but deeper it should be loose. If it is possible to get to the suburban flower garden-definitely better to plant in the ground. If the forecast is coming strong frosts, you can cover the planting with spruce branches, leaves, straw – what is at hand.
As I think, you can plant in the frozen ground, if you can make grooves of the desired depth and crumble the soil to fill the planting. Now I will explain why I had such an opinion: one autumn Tulip bulb fell behind the boxes and unnoticed remained wintering on the concrete. In the spring, when I found it, it was already trying to release the leaves.
The bulbs were moldy or rotten – to throw away or try to save?
Throw always have time, you need to try to save! It is a pity the flowers, and if the planting material is expensive, then the money thrown away. So, what you need to do: soak the bulbs for 40-45 minutes in an antibacterial solution. Dry well.
If there is rot, cut to healthy tissue, wounds treated with antiseptic (here each summer resident has his own recipe – alcohol tinctures and potassium permanganate solution – everything will work). Wait a bit until the place of operation dries well, and you can plant.
At what depth to plant bulbs in the fall?
The generally accepted norms are as follows: on dense soils – to a height of 2 bulbs, on loose-to a height of 3. As for bulbous: on average, adult bulbs are buried at 10 cm, children a little less.
Do I need to peel and germinate the bulbs before planting? There is no need. Winter is coming, and the sprouted bulbs will tend to bloom, and what will happen in the end? The task of bulbs planted in the fall, take root, and they will start to grow themselves, in the appointed time by nature. As for the removal of the covering scales: those that have peeled off and are kept on an honest word-remove, leave the others.
Do I need to remove the bottom of the bulbs of daffodils when planting?
To some, this question may seem strange, but it arises from time to time. I answer: no, it is not necessary. Moreover, and other popular garden bulbs, the lower part of the bulb also needs to be preserved intact.
Do I need to water the bulbs after planting?
If the ground is wet, you can well press the bottom into the ground, and this will be enough. If the weather is dry – pour that around the bulbs are no air pockets.
Is it worth it to plant the sprouted onions?
The opinion of experts in this regard is ambiguous, but personal experience is specific: land. All bulbous (with the rare exception of particularly capricious varieties and hybrids) are very tenacious, and it is not so easy to freeze them. Even if these leaves-periscopes freeze, it will not affect the flowering. But I had no experience of winter storage of sprouted bulbs, and, frankly, I do not think that it would be successful.
As you can see, there is nothing terrible in the autumn planting of bulbs. I hope you feel a little happier: sales are still in full swing, and you can for a reasonable price to buy stunningly beautiful plants!
If any questions still remain unanswered-ask them in the comments, we will look for the truth together.
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