In spring, the shrub is covered with very beautiful fluffy inflorescences. With the arrival of autumn comes the second wave of admiring the plant-the color of its leaves is so diverse and magnificent that can not be described! Imagine a shrub blazing in the autumn sun with all shades of yellow, orange, scarlet, red and Burgundy.
Planting and seeding of cotinus
It is necessary to calculate the planting time so that the plant in your region has time to take root before the arrival of heat or frost.
Boarding time
Seedlings with closed root system are planted from early spring to late autumn. Seedlings with open root system are also planted-in spring and autumn.
Cotinus seeds are sown in autumn and spring. In autumn sowing seeds in the usual form are embedded in the soil. For spring sowing, they are pre-scarified (mechanically violating the integrity of the waterproof cover of seeds) and stratified (imitation of the winter period in which the seeds sleep, otherwise they will not be able to ascend).
Landing site
Sunny, light partial shade. Drafts are undesirable, the impact of strong winds is unacceptable.
To soil fertility cotinus undemanding: powerful, well-branched and deeply penetrating root system provides sufficient power. Ideal soil – alkaline, light, permeable. A place with high groundwater level (or prone to standing water from rain) for planting a smoke tree is not suitable.
The multiplication of cotinus
Pleases a wide choice of ways of reproduction! Sowing seeds in the open ground, growing seedlings, cuttings. Reproduction cuttings carried out in July: personally have not tried, but read that the method is quite complex – rooted cuttings bad. Ordinary cotinus, gives abundant root shoots, which miraculously takes root in a new place.
Varieties of cotinus
There are many, I chose only three, but they are so different!
Cotinus coggygria ‘Young Lady’
Bush 2-4 m in height and diameter. Frost resistance-zone 5. Annual growth of 20-80 cm. Lives 40-60 years.
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’
Spreading crown, abundant flowering. Frost resistance-zone 5. Lives up to 70 years. The height rarely exceeds 5 m.
Cotinus coggygria ‘Golden Spirit’
Crown size: 2.5 – 3 m in height and width. Valued for its showy light green-lemon foliage. Winter a critical minimum temperature of -20°C.
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