Spider mite — one of the most malicious and insidious pests. It becomes especially dangerous in the greenhouse, as it actively multiplies in a limited space, where excellent conditions for its prosperous life are created.
First, remember the signs by which we can determine that the plants are suffering because of the spider mite. Our green Pets begin to curl leaves strangely, to wither, and then on closer examination it is possible to notice small whitish spots on the underside of the leaf and a thin cobweb.
Means of struggle
What if your greenhouse was occupied by a spider mite? Many, of course, have heard about effective means of industrial production under the General name of acaricides. Their action is directed against a variety of ticks, where ordinary insecticides don’t work as a mite is not an insect but an animal of the class Arachnida. However, these means we can use, for example, in the spring, when the enemy is found on the seedlings. Or throughout the season to save ornamental plants.
In the greenhouse, the spider mite begins to develop massively when the ovaries have already formed on the cultivated plants, and even the harvest ripens. I do not want to apply at this time, “chemistry”, and sometimes use it altogether impossible.
Natural remedy
There are natural remedies that have acaricidal properties. The first of them is made from a decoction of the roots of a wonderful flower Cyclamen. Surely you do not want to ruin this beautiful plant, even if it grows in your home or in a container landing in the country.
The second plant, which can help in the fight against spider mite, all gardeners consider a malicious weed, so it will suit the best. Is Taraxacum. Take also Calendula for its stickiness. On the basis of these plants it is necessary to prepare infusion.
So, take 1 glass of finely picked Taraxacum leaves, a small bouquet of Calendula flowers and 1.5 tablespoons of grated dark soap. Fill it all with a small amount of water (about 0.5 liters) and allow to infuse for 3 days in the shade. Then the infusion is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, pour into the sprayer and treat the plants.
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