Suppose you bought a rose when the opportunity presented itself, although it will not be possible to plant it in a permanent place soon. You can see that she has already woken up and issued shoots. Of course, in its packaging, the rose will not be able to wait 1-2 […]
How To Save Rose Seedlings Bought On Sale In Winter
Since February, almost all major stores offer seedlings of a variety of crops for sale. In bright packages on the shelves, planting material of raspberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, clematis — in general, there is a lot of interesting things for gardeners and flower growers. These plants are quite inexpensive, so there […]
Varieties Of Roses With An Open Middle (Part 2)
Let’s take a closer look at the “middle” I agree with some fans of the relatively unattractive “middle”, although only partially. In semi-double and especially simple flowers, after the pollen has fallen out, the bumblebees have flown away, and the stamens have dried up and darkened, the petals also begin […]