5 ideas for a garage and workshop A real master’s workplace is always intelligently equipped: all tools are in their places; materials are laid out so that they are convenient to take; practical furniture, good lighting… And of course, in the arrangement of a comfortable working space, PVC pipes will […]
Plant-Barometer: How To Grow Alocasia
It is very interesting for me to observe and explore the world of magnificent tropical plants on my windowsill. I was particularly interested in a representative of the Araceae family-alocasia ‘Black Velvet’. Its luxurious leaves with a burgundy underside sparkle with black-green velvet, on which the veins-“spiders” in the middle […]
5 Tricks How to Photograph Flowers at Close Range
There are many similarities between the genres of ordinary and landscape photography, which is why the techniques of portrait photography are also relevant when perpetuating flowers, fruits, and even shrubs and trees. So, what should you focus on when shooting a “garden portrait”? The Subject of the Survey In any […]
Global Climate Change: What Awaits Us And Who Is To Blame For This (Part 1)
Winter is surprisingly warm this year. The calendar states that it is February outside the window. And the thermometer, apparently, was not told about this: instead of winter frosts and snow-plus temperature, dirt and sprouts of garlic, onions and tulips. Is this the result of global warming, which is constantly […]