Are you sure that the content of the green lawn-one of the most expensive items of the country budget? Wrong! The lawn can be beautiful and at the same time not burdensome for a purse.
Well-broken lawn – not only a spectacular landscape, but also “light” suburban area, which are responsible for the overall climate of the territory and regulate the humidity of the air and soil.
However, this is not the only advantage of the silky object. In addition to aesthetic qualities, he has a very utilitarian abilities, not superfluous in country life:
- On the one hand, it prevents the “spread” of the soil and prevents the growth of weeds, because the grass, which consists of lawn, form a powerful turf, to break through which the green invaders is extremely difficult.
- On the other hand, it combines all the elements of the country Kingdom into a single whole, focuses on their shapes and colors and also advantageously emphasizes unusual objects.
Well, now the best part: the lawn can not be ruinous and bring joy, not losses! However, not everyone. And today we will talk about the most economical options.
Common lawn
This is the Golden mean, which is ideal for the vast majority of suburban areas. Ordinary lawn pleasantly diversifies the interior of any site, regardless of the style of its design.
Compared with the classic parterre it is a little less dressed up, but withstands trampling, more resistant to weed attacks and weather disasters. This lawn is usually grown from grass. The cost of such mixtures is quite budget, besides sow the lawn and take care of it, you can without assistance.
Natural lawn
Even more affordable option, it exists on its own and practically does not need your “services”. The only thing that is required-to form its frequent mowing, then even the weeds will cease to” break out of order ” and join the total green mass.
Natural lawn is the best suited for the corners of the site,where the human foot often and with pleasure. For example, such as this cozy area for family tea.
If desired, you can combine useful with pleasant: ordinary lawn “roll out” in the most prominent areas, and for natural leave uncomfortable and inaccessible corners and the territory of the orchard. But be prepared for the fact that this beauty will still have to mow.
Kombi-version of “shaggy” lawn and neatly clipped the platform with the passage to the house. An easy and creative way!
The thought of mowing the lawn causes bouts of despondency? Do not rush into despair: there are quite spectacular varieties of lawn that almost do not need this procedure. Perhaps one of them will be optimal for you.
Meadow lawn
Meadow lawn shows real natural grass. But make no mistake: in fact, everything is clearly “orchestrated”. The mixture for the lawn is made up of different cereals, legumes and meadow plants.
Meadow lawn is ideal for almost any suburban area, regardless of the style of the territory. And all because, on the one hand, it becomes a winning backdrop for all sorts of country objects and notions, and on the other is all-season. But mow it still have, however, once or twice a season — solely in order to provoke the further development of the grass cover.
Moorish lawn
Moorish lawn-a mixture of cereals and bright wild flowers.
How is it different from the meadow?
- First, cereals are used here only undersized, and they are less than flowers.
- Secondly, it is flowers, not some ornamental plants that play a major role here, and the vast majority of these “artists” are annuals.
Important: plants are selected based on the timing of flowering, it allows you to create an object that is bright throughout the summer season.
The composition of floral mixture usually consists of poppy, flax, mattiola, cornflower, eshsholtsiya, calendula. Especially stylish looks a “carpet” in small areas.
Important: it is the Moorish lawn has a maximum
decorative, but to walk on it will not work-the flowers do not like it. A nice bonus: a lawn mowing is generally not necessary.
Non-grass lawn
Non-grass lawn grown from perennial ground cover plants, ornamental or wild. The effect is amazing, but to achieve it, you need to be able to wait and… work. On the one hand, the vast majority of “candidates” is not only beautiful flowering, but also a pleasant aroma. On the other — for the device of such a lawn will need seedlings and the time it takes perennials to grow.
Non-grass lawn can be grown not only from ground cover, but also from conifers.
Tip: it is not necessary to plant the entire plot with a non-grass lawn, it is better to make spectacular inclusions of it on a more neutral background. For example, such a lawn will look very original if it is divided in modules between the pavements on the grounds and garden paths.
Herbal “frame” interspersed with the bluebell will be an elegant frame for the plates of the track or site.
- In places with heavy traffic put the thyme, Phlox, clove, Ajuga, did not like it, iberis, cloves.
- For a more peaceful corners of the garden — Carpathian bell, cerastium, arabis, baby’s breath.
- Well, for shady corners suitable umbilical cord, violet, Lily of the valley (wild or garden).
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