- Polypodiophyta in landscape design;
- Landing Polypodiophyta;
- Reproduction Of Polypodiophyta;
- Reproduction of Polypodiophyta spores;
- Reproduction Polypodiophyta by division of the bush;
- The reproduction of a fern rhizome mustache;
- Reproduction of fern by brood buds;
- Fern care;
- Types of fern;
- Matteuccia struthiopteris;
- Pteridium aquilinum;
- Athyrium filix-femina;
- Athyrium niponicum;
According to legend, Once a year polypodiophyta blooms, releasing a single bud that burns with a scarlet flame, showing the lucky one who saw him where the buried treasure. That is why Polypodiophyta is considered a mystical plant since ancient times and attracts hunters for ghostly wealth. But … the thing is that Polypodiophyta, with all its undeniable advantages, does not bloom – at all.
Polypodiophyta-the oldest inhabitants of our planet. They inhabited the earth long before the appearance of man. In those days, Polypodiophyta like trees and freely located on all continents of the earth, except perhaps that Antarctica. Now they are cultivated to decorate the landscape in the southern regions, planting them in shaded areas and well-moistened soil.
In nature, there are about 300 genera and more than 10 000 different species of Polypodiophyta. Among them there are both epiphytes (plants living on trees) and lithophytes (ground plants living among rocks). Polypodiophyta – deciduous perennial with a strong root system, and its size varies widely: from 3 cm (dwarf species) to multi-meter trees.
Polypodiophyta is the only plant on the planet that doesn’t have leaves, Yes! don’t be surprised! What we call leaves is a leaf plate, inside of which there is a whole system of branches. Sheet plate Polypodiophyta most of the ferns growing out of the root. The Polypodiophyta plate has a very decorative look: openwork, finely or large-cut, feathery, always lush and spreading.
Polypodiophyta in landscape design
Nature has created a beauty that you want to enjoy again and again. Polypodiophyta, with their mystical “character”, inspire designers to the most daring decisions in the design of the landscape.
For example, Polypodiophyta species Marsilea quadrifolia looks great on the water surface: it is planted directly into the water to a depth of 50-70 cm four-Lobed openwork leaves Marsilea quadrifolia beautifully edged pond, giving it the charm of the ancient Paleozoic.
Polypodiophyta decorate themselves “Alpine hill”, giving it a very mysterious look; it will be appropriate in rockery, create a beautiful carpet in the country, and Platycerium decorates the walls of the country house or comfortably located on trellis.
Landing Polypodiophyta
All kinds of Polypodiophyta like shaded places and wet soils. If you have in the cottage there are shaded places where other plants feel uncomfortable – plant there Polypodiophyta, it easily tolerates unfavorable conditions for other plants and weakly fertilized soils.
When planting Polypodiophyta need to be guided by common sense: the distance between the planting holes and the depth of the holes do, based on the size of the plant in adulthood. Planting dlinnokornevischnye species of Polypodiophyta, or take them from large areas (as they tend to press their “neighbors”), or make artificial limitation of space.
Reproduction Of Polypodiophyta
Reproduction of Polypodiophyta spores
Polypodiophyta-asexual plant that has no flowers and seeds, and in nature propagated by spores. At the bottom of the leaf of an adult plant, small tubercles are visible – this is the “capacity” with spores.
For reproduction of Polypodiophyta spores:
- In the fall of “capacity” is cut together with the portion of the sheet and put to dry in paper bags.
- At the end of January, the spores are sown in boxes with soil substrate: peat (2 parts), leaf land (1 part), sand (1 part). Spores of Polypodiophyta are a small powder that is thinly covered with a layer on the surface of the soil without sprinkling with earth, then moistened with a spray, cover the box with glass and placed in a warm room.
- Spores usually germinate on the 2nd month after sowing, then you should remove the glass in order to ensure the flow of air. During this period, the embryos are like a thin layer of moss.
- But when in the” moss ” will be closing several instances in a single plant, then they should be planted in separate pots height 7-8 cm and a diameter of 10-12 cm
Thus, by the spring you will get a seedlings of Polypodiophyta, ready for planting in the open ground.
Reproduction Polypodiophyta by division of the bush
Types of Polypodiophyta with a large root easier to propagate by dividing the Bush, rather than spores. The division of the Bush is usually made in early spring.
The reproduction of a fern rhizome mustache
Some types of fern have terrestrial rhizomatous whiskers, which grow young shoots.
Mustache should be prikopat in the soil to a depth of 8-12 cm and a good shed to the ground water.
Reproduction of fern by brood buds
On the leaves of some species of ferns formed brood buds, from which later develop young plants.
Young plants should be separated from the leaf, placed on a moist surface of peat moss, cover each glass jar and place seedlings in a warm shaded place in the house. Young plants quickly take root, and after 2-3 weeks they can be safely planted in the open ground.
Fern care
Caring for a fern is not problematic. In the autumn the plant is mulched, prisypaya the bushes at the base of stale sawdust or withered foliage to a height of 3-5 cm in the Spring the mulch is not removed. Before wintering fern leaves can not be cut. Early spring to feed fern or organic complex fertilizer, and drought watering – that’s all care. Winter-hardy species of fern, shelter for the winter is not necessary – they are winter-hardy varieties and perfectly tolerate harsh winters, but more thermophilic species of fern require winter shelter.
Types of fern
Not to count all species of ferns, differ sometimes quite dramatically both in appearance and in preferred conditions. I’ll mention a few.
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Matteuccia struthiopteris also called: “ostrich feather”, as its pinnate leaves, reaching 1.5 m in height, reminiscent of openwork lattice of ostrich feathers.
In the spring the leaves are wrapped in a kind of cocoon, and with the onset of warm days they bloom and form a luxurious funnel.
The root system is located vertically, so it needs periodic loosening and autumn mulching of the soil.
Pteridium aquilinum
Pteridium aquilinum – low (up to 70 cm) fern, perfectly adapted to dry and poor soils. Its long horizontal leaves resemble feathers of an eagle (hence the name), rhizome horizontal, highly branched.
Pteridium aquilinum is poisonous to Pets, but is perfectly safe for humans.
Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium filix-femina has a highly dissected leaves, collected in bunches. The size varies from 30 to 70 cm, depending on the variety.
Rhizome short and thick, and spore-bearing “capacity “covered with a beautiful velvet” veil. Athyrium filix-femina-long-lived, he is able to live in one place without transplantation for more than 10 years.
Athyrium niponicum
Athyrium niponicum is notable for the shade of leaves-silvery-gray, with reddish veins. Prefer shade, but in order to see his streaks, he needed a little morning sun. Propagated by root suckers. When breeding spores varietal characteristics are not preserved.
Many types of Polypodiophyta have healing properties, and some can be prepared very tasty dishes. To do this, use the young shoots of the Fiddlehead fern, a pre-boiling them for 10-15 min.
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