The shelter of roses for the winter should be correct. Old and not always effective methods are replaced by decidedly new ones. Today we will talk about the basic principles of proper protection of roses in winter, even in the most severe conditions.
In the middle zone and northern regions, roses winter worse than in the south. And not just because of the severity of the winters. Just a shorter and often cooler summer, which means that roses are less prepared for winter: their woody shoots are more loose, watery, and the supply of nutrients is not enough.
Therefore, it is necessary to cover the roses to protect the aboveground part from freezing during the period when the snow cover is not yet large enough. In the spring, after removing the shelter, once again review your roses and cut off the dry and frozen shoots
The coating material and the structure itself must have the following characteristics:
- Power.Must withstand any bad weather.
- Vapor permeability. This is necessary in order to create an ideal microclimate and prevent the growth of the root system.
- Easy to operate. Without a doubt, every gardener wants the shelter of roses for the winter to be trouble-free and at the same time high-quality.
- It can be used for several seasons. The durability of the coating material is also important. After all, a reusable shelter for roses is a saving and convenience.
Is it possible to find an option that fully meets all of the above requirements? Yes! The technological process has not spared the field of gardening. Today, many pleasant novelties are produced that can simplify even the most complex processes for the care of flower crops. Let’s get acquainted with the procedure for installing a practical and very interesting shelter for roses “Winter House”. Strong, but at the same time lightweight design will help protect capricious plants from the most severe cold. The main thing is to use the shelter correctly:
1. Hoe the rose. To do this, take clean soil or dry peat. The ground from under the bush is not suitable, as it can be infected.
2. Put the first shelter on the bush.
3. Install the frame and place the second shelter housing on top of it.
It remains only to secure the shelter with metal pegs.
Everything is simple and clear. Now your rose is not afraid of any cold and heavy snowfall.
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