Someone grows capricious orchids, someone loves petunias and noble lotuses, and someone prefers unpretentious knapweeds and daisies. But the most popular garden flowers, I would call those flowers that do not require special care, but it is very beautiful bloom all season. A few of these charming and unpretentious creatures I will present to you now.
Perennial Cosmos can be planted seeds in spring and in winter. To soils it is not demanding, and it needs to be watered only with severe drought and at the very beginning of growth. And how exquisite her flowers are! Tubular or reed: white, pink, yellow, and sometimes with a graceful curly rim on the petals. It usually blooms in late June and blooms until late autumn. I think Cosmos could be called one of the most popular garden flowers for its beauty and simplicity.
Despite the external modesty of the marigolds-they won universal love for their decorative and unpretentious. The flowers are bright yellow, orange, lemon … very pleasant and also therapeutic.
All marigolds are very hardy, bloom well even on poor soils, drought-resistant. In addition, they are not very fond of Macrosiphum rosae, and the root system perfectly disinfects the soil. Just a godsend for a busy hostess! Shall we rank them among the most popular garden flowers? I think so!
Peony is considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being. And the elegance of forms and flavor is one of the first places among the flowering perennials. Likes the sun shining and loamy drainage soil, and in the rest of the highly unpretentious. Water it in drought once a week, loosen the soil as needed and three times a season feed with organic and mineral fertilizers-that’s all the care!
It begins to grow rapidly in the third year after planting, but when it blooms, the garden becomes like a fairy tale. In addition, peony is a medicinal plant, which in ancient times was considered able to expel all evil.
Long-term nasturtium-just a godsend for gardeners! Bright and cheerful, it pleases the eye with all shades of yellow-orange color palette. Curly and erect, miniature (up to 20 cm) and luxurious two-meter, with large single flowers framed by thyroid leaves, nasturtium blooms from mid-summer to late autumn.
If, of course, you plant it in may seeds directly into the open ground. But planted seedlings in early may, it will bloom in June and will decorate the cottage with bright colors all summer.
Nasturtium is thermophilic and photophilic, loves fertile soils, but does not stop flowering if these conditions are not met. Only its flowers become slightly paler and slightly deformed. In General, undemanding and unpretentious. Feel free to bring it to our list of”the most popular garden flowers”.
In my opinion, no garden is complete without unpretentious white Daisy. Daisy you need only periodically watered, loosen the soil moderately and feed all, no additional effort is required. But after 5 years, it should either be transplanted to another place, or divided by the division of the Bush.
Blooms continuously from early June to late September. Likes sun and well-drained fertile soils, but has excellent resistance to extreme conditions.
I would not call roses unpretentious plant, by no means-they are very demanding and need care. But the popularity of them, perhaps you can put one of the first! Roses need to be vaccinated, constantly remove new shoots, monitor the quality of the soil, feed in time, prevent waterlogging and drying of the soil and know a lot of tricks for their proper cultivation. In General, there are enough worries… but the result of these worries will be gorgeous roses bushes, deservedly called “Royal”.
What only roses do not happen in the world! Scarlet, pink, white, yellow and even black… but novice gardeners recommend to grow Park species of roses, because these types of roses are resistant to disease and harsh climate, bloom profusely all season and are not particularly demanding on growing conditions.
Light-loving irises, perhaps, can challenge the primacy of roses. And all because these magnificent perennials, even fading, do not lose their decorative. Irises are often called rainbow flower for the rich shades of shapes, sizes and colors.
They bloom all season, dry-loving. Prefer light, loose, well moist soil, not flavored with heavy organic matter (manure, compost). Able to live in one place for up to 7 years (with proper care of course), and peak flowering reach in 3 years of age.
Petunia who live in Sunny areas. In early summer, it “explodes” a bright cascade of fragrant flowers and does not interrupt flowering until late autumn. Sometimes its flowers grow so that almost completely cover themselves stems and foliage.
Growing Petunia is not difficult, its seeds can be sown directly into the open ground in may, and by July it will bloom. Undemanding to soil, doesn’t like loam and Sandstone.
Large-flowered varieties are more whimsical than melkotsvetkovye. To form a beautiful Bush, its top is pinched, and the faded flowers are removed. Petunia forgive you as waterlogged soil and its drying, but it does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater in the root zone.
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