Spring! It’s time to update the old and create new flower beds. And the “Queen of flowers” rose often soloes not only in parks and Royal gardens, but also in the front areas of our cottages. Spring is the right time to plant this beauty.
Rose seedlings can be purchased in different ways. In nurseries they are sold in individual containers or with an open root system, in conventional and online stores you can often find small cardboard boxes, where the seedlings are placed with a small lump of land, wrapped in polyethylene. That’s about them and will be discussed.
Buying a rose in the store, it is desirable to make sure that she is alive before the cash register. It is desirable to choose such seedlings, which are visible sprouts, but they should not be very long and juicy green.
Rose from the box: roots tightly wrapped with polyethylene
As a rule, the roots of such plants are in a small amount of poor substrate and are very tightly Packed in polyethylene. It is obvious that it is wrong to store seedlings until planting in such cramped conditions.
If your new Pets are purchased just before boarding, they must first be properly prepared. The first step is to inspect the root system. Usually the manufacturer bends the long roots up before packing, so they are folded 2-3 times. As there is such a seedling can not be planted.
The roots of the roses are bent
First, the substrate is gently cleaned off, and then the roots are soaked for 4-6 hours (or even more) in a spacious container. The water for soaking is good to add a mild stimulant.
Periodically help soaked roots and straighten their hands, so that they take a natural position. A layer of paraffin, which are covered with shoots, clean off is not necessary. If you find on the seedling wounds (on the shoots, the main rhizome or the site of vaccination), they are very desirable to process, for example, green.
After this preparation, the rose can be planted. For the middle band suitable planting time-mid-may, as even the most minor freezing plant, weakened by stressful conditions, can not tolerate.
The planting hole
The landing pit is dug up such a size that all the roots of the rose spread freely in it. You also need to keep in mind that in the middle lane and North of the grafting site of the seedling will need to be buried at 3-5 cm.
The place of vaccination will need to be buried
At the bottom of the landing pit, pour organic matter (humus, compost), add a pinch of universal complex fertilizer and mix. Form a small hill, place the seedling on top and spread its roots down the sides of the soil hill. Do not forget to check the level of the vaccination site, it should result in being covered with soil.
Fill the hole with the ground half and thoroughly spill, you can also pour the water with a stimulant, which soaked the rose.
Spill it well
After the land has settled, we fill the seedling completely. If your rose has long main shoots (with sleeping buds), then they need to be shortened, leaving 2-4 buds above the ground. Then to stimulate the shoots of seedlings can be sprayed with a nutrient solution.
Spray with nutrient solution
On top of the seedling is necessary to cover. For this, a dark package, a box or an old bucket will fit. This is to ensure that the sun’s rays did not burn the young shoots. Under the cover of the plant should remain a minimum of 2-3 weeks.
These roses are quite well accustomed, some even bloom in the first year of planting, if they are properly prepared and planted. Whatever the rose, the first couple of years it must necessarily shelter for the winter.
Did you plant roses purchased in such a box? Share your experience with us as such seedlings have taken root in your garden.
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