Roses are full of dignity and touching at the same time tenderness. They fill the garden from early spring to late autumn. And you can represent them in design in completely different ways.
Advantages and Disadvantages
You can only plant roses. It will be much easier to take care of this rose garden, since the requirements of its inhabitants are the same. But to create a harmonious picture in this case is very, very difficult. If you just plant a collection of roses, this rose garden will look like a large box with precious stones-bright, tasteless, expensive, but absolutely not expressive.
You need to plant the same type of roses in the rose garden according to a well-thought-out scheme, taking into account many factors. First of all, these are the requirements of certain varieties for lighting. Although most roses prefer to be constantly exposed to the sun, there are some delicate varieties that literally melt in direct sunlight. This applies to many varieties of English roses by David Austin. These roses should preferably be planted in a sparse triangular penumbra, avoiding the midday sun.
Rose Selection
The next very important point in creating a harmonious picture of the rose garden is the selection of varieties by shape (habitus) and height of the bush, while simultaneously selecting the most suitable and most favorable combinations of colors in shape and color.
The flowering time of the varieties is another selection criterion. Therefore, the task of selecting rosary varieties is very difficult. That is why some nurseries offer ready-made compositions for planting roses, which greatly facilitates the task of the gardener.
If we talk about the types of flower beds with roses, they can be romantic, where the main role is played by the shape of the flower. Vintage, English, and dull roses are often planted here. This rose garden is well located in a secluded corner of the garden, where you can place a comfortable bench or a small coffee table with a lounge chair. Such a romantic garden can be made in the form of a room where rose bushes grow on the walls.
Planting Ideas
Rosaries of bright varieties of roses create a solemn mood. It is best to shade the rich green of boxwood and lush lawns. It can be placed at the entrance to the site. By the way, it is believed that to protect the garden from the evil eye, you can plant a bright red rose at the entrance, which will require unkind attention.
Depending on the location of the rose garden, as it will be observed, on the one hand, or all, roses are planted on the principle of high with low. In this case, if a rose garden is planted, for example, under a fence, they will observe from one side, the higher the rose, for example, an old one planted in the background, the shorter-closer to the edge.
It is interesting to plant among the lower varieties one or two bushes (depending on the area of the rose garden as a whole) of medium-sized ones with very beautiful or fragrant flowers for close contact with them.
Among the rose garden of low roses, Floribunda or hybrid tea, it is interesting to place a rose at a fairly high trunk or a climbing rose, with it at the obelisk. Groundcover and miniature roses can take the rosary to the fore.
Beautiful roses on vertical supports, such as arches, obelisks, tree trunks. As supports for roses, you can use ordinary pillars made of tree trunks. They are buried in the ground, then attached to the stems of roses with garters and ordinary pins driven into the trunk. This mount is quite noticeable and very reliable.
If you want to plant a few shrubs, tall climbing roses, you can make a very beautiful suite. You need to dig a few wooden posts into the ground, connect them from above with thick ropes or chains. But do not forget that roses are not vines and they do not know how to walk the path themselves-they need to be tied up regularly.
Be choosy in creating flower arrangements. If you don’t have a well-thought-out plan, before you plant another plant, whether it’s a rose, flower, shrub, or tree, go around your 6 or 12 acres and think about how this plant will combine with the neighboring one already planted.
Drawing up a Rosary Diagram
When splitting a regular flower garden with roses, rectilinear forms are used. To ensure a good view of each plant, two planting schemes are used: Taller rose species are planted along the central line, and miniature species are planted near the edge, or in a staggered order. In a landscape rose garden, it is important to consider the color scheme of the flower garden. A very successful combination of white and cream roses, diluted with light lilac lavender.
Also, the white color scheme looks great on the greenery of coniferous plants. Thuja can make a background for a rose garden, and creeping forms of juniper are placed in the foreground, creating a kind of foot at the rose bushes.
A very interesting rose garden, conceived in the form of a mixborder. Its advantage is that you can collect together different types of roses: climbing, fine, creeping. They are placed in increasing height and are diluted with perennials with decorative foliage.
For the convenience of caring for the rose garden, the plants in it are planted in separate groups of several bushes. The space between such “blocks” is filled with grasses, paving, and lawn.
How to Choose Roses?
When choosing seedlings, you should consider several nuances: in what place they will be planted, whether the owners will be able to carry out regular care for them, and how many bushes can be placed in the flower garden. If the plants are intended for an arch, trellis or porch decoration, you need to plant climbing roses. They are used to create a background for other plants, as a screen near a recreation area or as a decoration on the facade of a residential building.
On a rarely visited garden, it is better to use non-capricious, disease-resistant and not in need of winter shelter roses. Suitable hardy varieties of park and landscape roses, which are characterized by a long flowering and a variety of colors.
Of course, if the roses are regularly cared for, there may be other representatives of the pink kingdom in the collection: Floribunda, Tea Hybrids, and Shtrabs. When the place for the rose garden is quite extensive, it is not necessary to fill it only with varieties with long flowering. There is a unique opportunity to choose plants with spectacular flowers that bloom once. At the end of their flowering, the colorfulness of the flower garden is compensated by roses with long flowering periods.
Best Rose Options
A climbing rose that shoots out its buds throughout the summer. The flowers are pink with a light blue, semi-double, collected in huge bouquets of 10-15 pieces
Orange flowers of this climbing rose are collected in several pieces, they smell nice
Park rose with a height of about 2 m (6.5 ft) with expressive shiny leaves. Semi-double flowers of mixed color (yellow, golden, orange) have a strong aroma
One of the hybrid tea roses with dark red flowers. The petals are elegantly bent outwards. The height of the bush is about 95 cm (3 ft)
New Star
Two-tone rose Floribunda (pink with cream or red with cream). Blooms repeatedly, the height of the bush is up to 90 cm (2.9 ft)
Patte de Velours (MEImater)
A variety of groundcover roses. Forms a picturesque carpet, strewn with small (4 cm – 1.5 inch) flowers of light pink color with a crimson edge
Strobe with large velvety red flowers. The height of the bush reaches 2 m (6.5 ft).
So roses are self-sufficient and do not need partner plants: they are easy to create compositions without using other plants. You can simply fill an empty space with a lawn, and its emerald green will be a wonderful background for a rose garden. If the flower garden is supplemented with other flowers, they should be entered according to a pre-made plan.
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