How sad it is sometimes to throw away broken things. Even a small change, such as after a fall, sometimes makes the item unusable. But no one forbids giving things a new purpose, thereby diversifying your home or garden and occupying yourself for a couple of hours.
Cracks, large and small chips in clay pots make the product not neat enough for home use. But in the front garden or garden, they can still serve you!
Idea #1
If the clay pot has become completely unsuitable for practical use, you should think about its possible decorative properties as a sculpture.
The photo shows three little people, but this idea should not be limited. You can make both a horse and a starfish out of pots. The little man can be turned into an artist, a shepherd, a Pinocchio, himself or a member of his family.
Sculptures made of clay pots can still be painted with ordinary paint, and then lay out a rainbow in 3D format.
Idea #2
The ladder of pots in the photo looks like “Hanging mountains” from the acclaimed movie “Avatar”. This piece of decoration makes your garden as original and fabulous as the entire planet in the movie.
Pots are strung on an iron rod, which does not have to go beyond the topmost pot — for greater decorativeness and neatness.
This option is suitable for those containers that have a crack at the bottom, but in fact, if desired, they can be made independently to set the desired number of pots for exposure.
It is best to choose not heavy ground for the soil, but a substrate of sawdust and earth — so the pots will be lighter and your decoration will not fall off in a gust of wind. If your rod, which holds the entire structure, has a second fulcrum, you can afford to fill the pots and earth.
Idea #3
If the pots are painted in different colors and arranged in a checkerboard pattern, you will get a real wall panel, which is suitable for installation both on the house itself and on an ordinary village fence. Alternatively, they can be placed on the walls of a bath or shed.
Usually with this method, flowers are first grown through seedlings, but with a large depth of pots, you can grow, for example, calendula immediately in its place.
Idea #4
Ornaments from pots strung on a rope are hung on the wall — in the form of a wreath. In England and the United States, this Christmas decoration is very common, only using spruce twigs, cones and winter berries.
For a greater decorative effect, various succulents were also used. This option is very practical-plants are easily watered by rain or they just need a simple spray. If you have a small watering can for home plants -this type of watering is also suitable.
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