Without a greenhouse in the country can not do: in the spring, the growing seedlings move into it, which became cramped on the windowsill or it’s time to take hardening procedures. When the snow has not yet completely disappeared from the beds, parsley, onion and early radish are already cheerfully green under its warm wing. And in the fall, it will help the late varieties of vegetables to give the last harvest. Don’t you have a greenhouse yet? Then take a quick look at this collection — it has ideas for every taste!
Individual orders
I will pay tribute to fashion: first of all, I will show the most stylish mini-greenhouses — glass cloches (domes). Thanks to the decent weight and wide base, they are stable, equipped with a comfortable handle, and just very beautiful! But I don’t see them in my garden: to cover my horde of seedlings, you will need a wholesale purchase of glass beauty, which will result in a considerable amount. And how long will it take to arrange and remove these domes, and where to store them? No, the garden will do without them. Here in the flower garden under the window a couple of pieces to put-it’s with pleasure.
Although, I must admit, I would not refuse some models — I like the vintage style.
Simpler models are also good, in addition, they are ideal for hiding seedlings that quickly acquire large leaves — pumpkins, zucchini.
Budget alternative cloche-an ordinary jar. Of course, it is not so stable and is suitable only at an early stage of seedling development. It is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous to squeeze grown plants into a narrow neck — how long will it take to break the fragile stems?
For lack of anything better, you can make a hotbed out of bottles and cans. Minus-they are light, especially the first two options, and the beauty is inferior to the factory glass “hats”. But there is also an advantage — ventilation: cold-the lid is in place, hot-removed, and order.
I will definitely not build a greenhouse over each plant-it is too troublesome. But sometimes they can be a way out of a difficult situation: for example, if there is no material to cover an entire bed or protection is required for individual specimens.
Manufacturers have tried to take into account the most diverse requests of gardeners and gardeners. As a result, buying a greenhouse of any size and shape is not a problem.
Compact, roomy racks will certainly be useful to citizens: seedlings need to be tempered, and the useful area is limited. The umbrella will reliably protect even well-grown tomato, pepper and eggplant bushes from returning frosts.
Glass and wooden dandies will definitely decorate the garden, but they only cost a lot, and you can not call them roomy, and it is problematic to store them (what other disadvantages to find, so that the burning desire to buy the same one disappears?!).
On the frame
Ready-made greenhouses are good, no doubt, but still most summer residents prefer to build them with their own hands. Proven by more than one generation of summer residents, the option is a film on a wooden frame. The undeniable advantage of arranging with your own hands — the size of the shelter is adjusted to the number of seedlings, and not vice versa. For someone, a large greenhouse is basically unnecessary, but a small one and the material will take only nothing, and it is not time-consuming.
And for someone, one, even a roomy one, will not be enough!
With the advent of plastic pipes, summer residents quickly realized that this material is much more practical than wood: it is light, plastic — you can give the shape of an arch, durable, does not require painting. As a result, a wide variety of designs appeared, including those with a watering function (photo at the bottom left).
If there is a welding machine for polypropylene pipes, the task is simplified at times. However, you can do without it. Here are some examples of how to attach pipes to the box. By the way, the film on the pipe is very convenient to clamp with a piece of hose-it holds securely.
Wall mounted
To arrange a greenhouse on the leeward side of the wall is a great idea. The simplest design: side panels and cover.
And these will not be difficult to equip. I couldn’t find better photos, sorry, (but you can still understand the principle, right?), but I wanted to share practical ideas with you.
Want a more aesthetic option? You are welcome! For example, would such neat lockers work?
In principle, everything is in your hands: the greenhouse can be made so beautiful that all the neighbors will be jealous!
Doors and covers
The most important part of the design, because the greenhouse will have to be regularly ventilated, put and take out seedlings from it. The covers must be securely fixed in the open position: depending on the material and size of the structure, their weight can be considerable. Yes, and do not forget about the wind: strong gusts at best will tear off the lid, at worst-will overturn the entire greenhouse.
We have strong winds are a common phenomenon, so I would not risk putting such greenhouses.
In my opinion, one of the most practical systems is the “bread box”.
Everything that hangs over your head is somehow dangerous. Hotbeds – “butterflies” look perfect, only here are the covers… In general, if you make a greenhouse with such doors, take care of reliable latches.
And to make it easier to choose the right option for you, take a closer look at the swing, folding, sliding and removable doors.
From improvised materials
I admit — this is my option. Well, I don’t want a stationary greenhouse, although I really like some of them. A mobile structure that is easy to build and quickly disassembled is what I need.
If you have unnecessary window frames or doors in stock, take a closer look at these structures. Perhaps one of the ideas will be a prototype of a greenhouse on your site.
I really liked the roomy greenhouse made of frames of different sizes — it looks original, and you can cram a lot of seedlings into it — there are so many shelves inside! For the construction material, it will not be difficult to get it. But as I imagine that a useless structure after planting seedlings will annoy my eyes, so the desire to build it disappears without a trace. I consider the other options only as possible ways out of a difficult situation — everything happens in life, and seedlings need to be sheltered from the cold.
If there are still scraps of polycarbonate or PVC slate left after construction, they can be used for the arrangement of a greenhouse. The main thing is not to forget to securely pin the transparent vault to the ground, otherwise with the first gust of wind, the structure will fly away in an unknown direction.
A resourceful summer resident will always be able to find a way out of the situation: plastic containers or an old aquarium — everything will come in handy!
Just a few words about greenhouses for autumn growing — they are no less important than spring ones! Surely most summer residents already have experience in their arrangement, but it never hurts to consider new ideas-suddenly they will be useful?
I liked a solid tent over the garden bed, but it is unlikely to appear on my site. I build greenhouses myself, because the choice of the type of construction is a bone of contention in our family. My husband needs to build for the ages, thoroughly, on a large scale. And I prefer temporary shelters, which he doesn’t like very much. I can’t cope with the arrangement of the tent alone, and I’m afraid to attract my husband: he will definitely find it flimsy, and it will be suggested to strengthen the structure. What this will result in, it is impossible to imagine.
And you have what greenhouses for seedlings and rearing, tell us! Ideas of practical and easy-to-arrange structures are especially welcome, but others will not be superfluous!
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