So we came to the plants-standards of fragrant species, varieties, we will pick up doubles with a similar aroma. It is known that some flowers generously share their aroma with many cultures. And others in your weave complex aroma smells of so many flowers and fruits, because they have no specific. Many varieties of roses have a classic pink flavor, which can be copied by units of plants.
Since a lot of flavors, I conditionally divided them into:
- floral;
- fruit;
- spicy (including honey, vanilla, chocolate);
- wood;
- kitchen;
- camphoric;
- tart;
- without notes and so on.
We’ll start with the floral scents, then move on to the fruity and spicy, and complete the amazing extravaganza of exquisite flavors tart: woody, musky and others.
At the same time, there will be no strict affiliation of a partner or partner to a certain life form: a couple can have a variety of perennials, annuals, shrubs, shrubs and trees.
Floral fragrance – is the smell of a certain flower, which you will surely learn from the thousands offered. They can be both rich and subtle peculiar smells. There are quite a lot of them in the plant world, so we will select the brightest and look for suitable analogues. And pay attention to the impact that have on a person or other flavors.
It is known that some odors of plants tone, others relax, others – sensual aromas – are able to activate sexual energy, the fourth, containing phytoncides – act as a kind of air purifiers.
Hyacinth fragrance
Intense, specific, often self-sufficient, clean, chord, without any notes.
The standard of fragrance:Hyacinthus orientalis
Widespread in the culture of bulbous plant. There are varieties of strong, medium, weakly aromatic and completely devoid of flavor; more rare carriers of unpleasant, too pungent smell.
Aroma doubles:
- Syringa pubescens – shrub 2.5 m high with white, lilac-pink flowers with hyacinth aroma; blooms in late may;
- S. velutina, syn. S. meyeri ‘Palibin’ – up to 1.5-2 m and a width of 2 m, blooms lavender-pink flowers with the aroma of hyacinth.
For a more vivid demonstration of flavor and hyacinths, and lilacs need Sunny cottages with light sandy fertile soils.
Jasmine scent
Luxurious, fresh, delicate, sensual, energizes, relieves stress, activates mental activity.
The standard of fragrance: Jasminum officinale and J. humile.
Aroma doubles:
- there are varieties of lilac, in the aroma of which there are notes of Jasmine smell;
- Jasmine and vanilla smell flowers braided large-flowered rose ‘Nicholas Gartvis’;
- Jasmine fragrance fragrant peony flowers varieties ‘Abundance’, ‘Crimson Mirage’, ‘Spring’.
Often the inhabitants of the middle band incorrectly referred to as garden Jasmine deciduous shrub, Philadelphus. He fell in love with many summer residents for the amazing aroma of flowers – bright, sweet, with tart notes – but with real Jasmine he has nothing in common.
Iris scent
Beautiful, bright, strong, with notes of honey or a mixture of spices; not everyone likes it.
The standard of fragrance: Iris x hybrida: ‘Fogbound’, ‘Romantic Evening’, ‘The Blue Line’, ‘new Centurion’, ‘Morning Mood’ and many others.
Hybrid irises have long and successfully cultivated semidefnite, and they generously share on the website with stories and photos of their fragrant beauties.
Aroma doubles:
Its exact analogues are almost none, but the notes of iris can often be caught in hyacinths and violets.
Rose fragrance
Classic rose Fragrance – strong, bright, sensual. It tones up, stimulates the thought process, often relieves heart and headache.
The standard of fragrance:species, varieties of garden roses ‘Yves Piaget’, ‘Auguste Renoir’, ‘Greta’, ‘Clementine’ and many others.
Aroma doubles: classic pink smell will surprise peonies with white flowers ‘Diamond’, ‘Summer noon’, ‘M-me de Verneville’; cream ‘Elbrus’; Carmine-pink ‘Felix Supreme’; crimson ‘Toreca’, dark cherry, with a “delicious” chocolate shade ‘Chocolate Soldier’. By planting peonies of these varieties next to roses, you will enhance your favorite flavor.
Lilac scent
Specific, strong, chord, sensual; in small quantities relaxes.
The standard of fragrance:species, cultivars Syringa.
Aroma doubles: Lilac smell peony flowers varieties ‘Clairé de Lune’.
Violet scent
Thin, refined, helps to restore forces at overwork.
The standard of fragrance: Viola odora – a miniature perennial plant, which is one of the first evidence of the arrival of spring in our country.
Aroma doubles:
Several species of plants that bloom at different times, will allow true connoisseurs of violet flavor to enjoy it from early spring to late autumn:
- the wealth of varieties of Cheiranthus chieri with different colors of flowers make them desirable in the spring and mixed borders, they are extremely popular in the plantings in tree trunks of trees.
- the violet aroma of the biennial Hesperis matronalis intensifies in the evening. Violet blooms in may and June. Excellent development and flowering is observed in partial shade on fertile drained soils;
- light lilac flowers of dwarf Iris ruthenica exude a delicate violet aroma. It is good for landing in rockeries (height up to 20 cm);
- a subtle violet fragrance can be heard in April-June, bending over the flowers of Polygala chamaebuxus – an evergreen creeping shrub. This is an excellent ground cover plant, rather frost-resistant in the middle lane.
And violet aroma is inherent in flowers:
- roses variety ‘Pussta’;
- Verbena x hybrida;
- Matthiola bicornis;
- Lilia fialkovaja;
- Crocus sativus;
- Clerodendron bungei and others.
Floral cocktail fragrances
True esthetics of floral scents will be interesting to know the following: species and hybrids of lilies are endowed with a specific (strong, floral, pleasant) aroma. Among them diva – Lilium candidum.
Paeonia suffruticosa flowers exude a fragrance that is very similar to the smell of lilies.
A kind of intense sweet smell characteristic of many Narcissus x hybridus; especially the rich aroma of different representatives of the garden group acetonide.
Unique flavor – specific, gentle, subtle, characteristic of the flowers of Convallaria majalis.
There are peonies with the scent of Lily of the valley. There are varieties of lilac, the smell of which is clearly heard Lily of the valley shade. Some Hemerocallis surprise aroma with notes of Lily of the valley.
An exotic delicate fragrance of soft flowers of Reseda odorata, which, incidentally, gave this plant the universal love of the people. The smell is significantly enhanced in the evening and in cloudy weather.
Sweet and spicy, a little peppery, in its own unique flavor distinguishes varieties Phlox paniculata.
What kind of floral fragrances do you like? Which of the fragrant plants grow, bloom and smell in your country?
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