Among the variety of colors found in gardens, cyclamen can be seen infrequently. Some are afraid to invite a fastidious plant in your garden, believing that he is too demanding in the care, others do not consider it worthy of its flower beds. There are others who sincerely believe that the cyclamen – it’s only a houseplant. That’s what I thought for a long time. But, as it turned out, I was wrong, cyclamen can and should be grown outdoors, the main thing is to know how to do it, that’s just what I’m going to tell you in this article.
The name of cyclamen comes from’ kyklas ‘ — a Greek word meaning “round”. It is this form of tubers in some species of the genus. Cyclamen-a perennial, forming a corm flat-rounded shape in diameter reaching up to 15 cm cyclamen Flowers, regardless of the species, surprising for its original shape, they are slightly curved back and have a slightly pointed petals, which are similar to a flock of exotic butterflies, as if hovering over the plant.
Affects cyclamen and color palette, if the flowers Cyclamen persicum are only lilac-pink, butterfly flowers Cyclamen persicum can be: pale pink, crimson, purple, red, Burgundy, lilac, purple and snow-white.
Landing cyclamen
Deciding to plant cyclamen on your site, remember that, like most exotic plants, it is poisonous! In fairness, it is worth saying that his poison is almost harmless to humans (well, of course, if you are not going to eat it) and is a real danger only for animals, although not for everyone. For example, with great pleasure juicy tubers cyclamen eat pigs, and the plant does not cause them any harm. For this amazing feature cyclamen called “pork bread”. Cyclamen can harm rabbits, chickens, etc… But this does not mean that cyclamen should not grow in the garden, just try to plant it out of reach of farm animals.
Choosing a place for planting cyclamen, give preference to the most protected from drafts area. Despite the fact that the plant loves the sun, hot rays are able to destroy it, so we plant cyclamen in partial shade, the ideal place would be under the crown of deciduous trees: Apple, pear, plum, etc… feel Great planting cyclamen on the Alpine hills and at the “feet” of evergreen bushes.
I read a lot about the fact that cyclamen is very demanding on the soil, so I always put it in a special soil mixture, which I fill the holes dug in advance. The soil mixture consists of equal parts of turf land, leaf land and, oddly enough, small calcareous gravel. The last component is added to the mixture for better drainage, which is very much needed plant, immensely loving moisture, but very suffering from the slightest waterlogging.
Planting cyclamen in the open ground, remember that it must be completely buried (about 10 cm), regardless of the species, otherwise the plant may freeze. To leave a third of the tuber above the soil surface, which, admittedly, has a positive effect on the further flowering of the plant, is possible only if you plant the plant in a pot, which is cleaned in a warm room for the winter.
By the way, despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in growing cyclamen, it has one feature: its tuber has only one point of growth, in case of damage to which the plant will simply die, remember this and be very careful during planting!
In one place cyclamen grows well for about 7-10 years, and its frequent transplants, on the contrary, can only weaken the tubers of the plant, so the longer you do not touch them, the more lush it will bloom.
Reproduction of cyclamen
Cyclamen reproduces in different ways: Cyclamen persicum exclusively by seeds, the division of its tubers, unfortunately impossible, no matter how old the plant is, but Cyclamen persicum — and seeds, and the division of tubers.
Now we will talk about the reproduction of both species in more detail.
So, Cyclamen persicum can be propagated only by seeds, and the complexity of its reproduction lies in the fact that its seeds are very difficult to germinate. Seeds sow in February, in a container filled with moistened universal substrate, and sprinkle them with good soil layer of about 1 cm Crops regularly watered, preventing drying of the soil, and remember that the optimum temperature for germination of seeds cyclamen +18 °C.
Shoots appear about a month after sowing, and bloom only after 2 years, when the tuber of the plant will gain the necessary mass. Transplant the cyclamen seedlings, when they grow two leaves, in small pots with a diameter of 5-6 cm, leaving the nodules are not covered by 1/3. In a permanent place planted by the end of may.
If you do not want to wait 2 years before you bloom planted Cyclamen persicum, you can buy adult tubers that bloom in the year of planting. When purchasing an adult tuber, remember-it should not be wrinkled and have kidneys, which are located at the top.
Cyclamen purpurascens can be propagated as Cyclamen purpurascens-seeds (can also be sown), or by separating the lateral tubers that are formed on the plant.
Care for cyclamen
During flowering (Cyclamen purpurascens – all summer, and Cyclamen persicum — March in the middle lane, if the plant is cultivated outdoors) cyclamen needs watering. Water evenly, trying to avoid both drying and stagnation of water in the soil. Water gently, preventing water from entering the outlet leaves, it can lead to rotting plants.
Care for cyclamen is in the timely removal of its wilted flowers and yellowed leaves of the plant. And if the withered flowers can simply cut off or tear off, the dried leaves must be carefully “Unscrew”, preventing damage to the plant growth zone.
As for feeding, the first time feed cyclamen only a month after planting, using ready-made liquid fertilizer mixture. The second time-a month after the first.
In the winter, cyclamen must be well covered, otherwise it can freeze, for this use ordinary foliage, 5-cm layer which will help to preserve the necessary moisture to the plant, will not allow it to freeze, and will provide fertile organic matter.
Cyclamen pests
During the cultivation of, as Cyclamen purpurascens and Cyclamen persicum, I have not faced most of the problems that are written in specialized publications: rotting leaves, falling ovaries, etc., which can be avoided by properly caring for the plant. Therefore, I will not tell you about them, I will only say that one day I had to watch the leaves of my Cyclamen purpurascens crushed and deformed. After reviewing many articles about growing cyclamen and rules of care for him, I found out the reason for such a regrettable phenomenon, it was Cyclamen mite. To overcome the pest, I weekly for 5 days washed the leaves of the plant with insecticidal soap, and then sprayed them with a special insecticide . By the way, the same method of processing will help you cope with aphids, which also loves to settle on cyclamens.
Types and grades of cyclamen
Genus cyclamen, according to one, has 20 species, and the other — as much as 55, where the truth, I could not understand.
Cyclamen persicum
Cyclamen persicum, native to Iran and the Mediterranean countries, is klubnenosnoe perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 30 cm basal leathery leaves have a dark green color. On the tuber Cyclamen persicum there is only one point of growth, the damage of which will lead to the death of the plant.Flowers Cyclamen persicum are different in color: white, pink, crimson, purple, purple and even Burgundy. Some varieties of Persian cyclamen differ sharp and even a little Intrusive, but very pleasant smell.
Cyclamen purpurascens
Cyclamen purpurascens, the birthplace of the Crimea and southern Europe, is a small herbaceous evergreen tuberous plant. Its leaves have a round-kidney shape and heart-shaped base. Cyclamen purpurascens tuber, over the entire surface of which is situated the small roots, more globular and slightly elongated, the diameter can reach up to 10 cm Flowers of Cyclamen purpurascens is relatively small, and have a very pleasant aroma and delicate purplish pink color.
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