Features of Pruning Shrubs (part 4)

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Nerium oleander

In late spring, cut out the damaged shoots and form a bush. After flowering, remove the top of the generative (flower) shoot. It tolerates pruning “on the stump”, quickly restores the crown.


Tolerates strict pruning well. The shoots are cut off at the end of April, dry, and the old branches are removed at the end of summer.


Hedges are divided in the spring, the free-growing plant is cut in the summer. Tolerates strict pruning well. In variegated forms, branches with green leaves should be removed.


Thinning of the bush is carried out after flowering. Vegetative shoots are formed in early spring, and the shoots are removed.


Rarely needs pruning, thinning is carried out in late March – early April.


After flowering, thin out and shorten the long shoots.

Vitex agnus-castus

In mid-May, the dried and damaged shoots are cut off.


In early spring, they shorten part of the increase of the previous year.


Pruning should be carried out after flowering. Summer flowering species are cut in the spring before budding.


Annual or two-year increments are often cut after harvesting in late spring. To better shape the tree.


After flowering, the old withered shoots are cut off at the base, leaving strong young branches.

Rosmarinus officinalis

Cleaning and shortening of shoots is carried out after flowering.


Make a decorative cut in the summer, weak branches are removed in April.


Withered and spreading branches are cut in autumn. Make a strict pruning in April.


Old branches are cut off after flowering, usually in spring.


Weak and old branches should be pruned annually. After flowering, the tops of generative (flower) shoots are cut off.


Pruning without a goal is not necessary. Shoots are removed in early spring.


After flowering (in May), cut out the old and weak branches.


Every year, before the beginning of the growing season (in March), old stems and weak branches are cut out.

Sophora vicifolia

The bush is formed in the summer, pruning is carried out after flowering, .


Species that bloom in spring are pruned immediately after flowering, cutting only the old branches; species that bloom in late summer and autumn, pruning is carried out in late February.


It does not require special pruning. Thinning of the crown is carried out in the spring.


Old and dry branches are cut in late spring.

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