In the names of objects and phenomena we put the main thing that reflects their essence. The famous taxonomist K. Linnaeus for centuries and for all peoples named these beautiful creatures Nymphaea in honor of the goddesses personifying nature. And for the English botanist R. Selisbury Nymphaeas were apparently a source of inspiration, and he tried to highlight them in the subgenus of Castalia, which means a spring on mount Parnassus, giving inspiration.
Water, in addition to inspiration, is considered to be a source of life. It covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and only one of the best plants – Nymphaea – can decorate the water surface.
Among the plants of land generally recognized as a model of perfection are considered lilies and roses. Wanting to emphasize the advantages of Nymphaeas, English-speaking people call them Waterlily, and the Germans-Seerosen.
Indeed, the modern range of Nymphaeas (winter-hardy and tropical) is represented by all the colors of the rainbow and affects the variety of shapes and sizes of flowers. In addition, and their leaves on the water like flowers. And the duration of flowering?! It begins in may, and the last flowers often freeze into the ice.
Nymphaeas and exudes a unique, unforgettable aroma?! Are there many such objects in floriculture? Of course not!
The decorative variety of Nymphaeas is already huge, and it does not make much sense for me to deal with their selection. Therefore, I focused on the selection of varieties suitable for the cold zone of risky farming, as well as on the features of cultivation of different varieties and the development of technology for their cultivation.
For one reason or another, I have given up almost half of the varieties purchased and intend to continue to work on the selection of varieties with high decorative qualities that do not have problems in cultivation.
The best varieties of dwarf Nymphaeas
The most difficult situation was with dwarf Nymphaeas. In my opinion, there are no problem-free varieties among them. For example, for N. pygmaea ‘Alba’ and N. pygmaea ‘Rubra’ is characterized by rotting bases of petioles and stems.
Sort ‘Aurora’ resistant to this trouble, but with an abundance of beautiful leaves formed little flowers. Good ‘Helvola’, but also unstable.
Despite these shortcomings, the last two varieties are the best that I was able to buy for very small ponds.
The best varieties of Nymphaeas for small ponds
Among the next-sized Bush Nymphaeas, suitable for small water bodies, managed to find a decent variety. The authors of the French D. Marliac, who named the group in honor of his son-in-law Lydecker, and the American P. Slocum, which laid the Foundation of the names of successful varieties his name to Perry. These are red varieties ‘Laydekeri Lilacea’ and ‘Perry’s Baby Red’ and white – ‘Perry’s Double White’ and ‘Laydekeri Alba’, which, unfortunately, bad reproduces.
Due to the fact that the basis of selection of Nymphaeas D. Marliac were taken mainly species growing in Europe and a slow-growing rhizomes, obtained varieties are more suitable for growing in containers. But grade selection P. Slocum, derived with the participation of the American species N. odorata and N. tuberosа have a fast-growing rhizome that difficult to keep in a container, and they often have to replant.
This seemingly drawback turns into a boon when grown in natural waters, where such Nymphaeas quickly form impressive glades. Their bushes are not thickened in the center, which is why the malikowski varieties of leaves in the center of the Bush begin to rise above the water and hide the flowers.
A vivid example — a great growing white and pink varieties of P. Slocum ‘White Sensation’ and ‘Peter Slocum’ and short rhizome white and pink Nymphaeas breeding D. Maliaka ‘Marliacea Albida’ and ‘Fabiola’.
A little about the problems of growing Nymphaeas in Cold Climates
I found an unpleasant pattern for Nymphaeas with flowers in yellow. Their rhizomes are prone to rot, but its occurrence requires a provoking factor. If the breeding varieties of D. Marliaca ’Marliacea ‘Chromatella’ and ‘Colonel’ are high (+22 degrees), the temperature of the water in the summer, for the varieties of the ‘Sunset’ Is dangerous for the long-term presence under the ice. In fact, and another case full of disaster is not, as die only large rhizomes, and under favourable conditions, the bushes recover.
Do not like high water temperatures and some varieties with a different color, for example – pink ‘Rosepnymphe’, white ‘Marliacea Albida’, red ‘Red Queen’.
To prevent rhizomatous rot in hot weather, move the containers with water lilies in a cooler place (lower deeper or move to a shady area of the reservoir). While most of the Nymphaeas lack of heat. It is quite often that summer before it began, it ends. Therefore, I recommend to place the varietal Nymphaeas in the summer on a smaller place than indicated in the reference literature of European and American authors, and in the winter – on a deeper. But in winter from the surface of the water to the rhizomes often enough 50-60 cm.
After wintering, remove the containers as soon as possible and place as high as possible (10-15 cm from the surface of the water to the rhizomes). When the leaves grow and buds appear (and, of course, warm the water in the pond), throw the containers deeper. It throw, but not drop slowly as is often written in the “smart books”. The leaves and buds will go under water, but do not worry, in 2-3 days they will be in the right place.
See photos, have fun and do not be afraid of my text. I just love the truth. Do not give up the beautiful for the sake of difficulties. Otherwise life will become gray, bleak.
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